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harin drove across town to minhee's house and waited for them when yeeun and hyunshik brought her to the front door. they saw her parents open the door with tired eyes but never the less greeted them with smiles and thankful words. minhee was half awake, and apologised to her parents before she was taken to her room.

once minhee was in the comfort of her bed, yeeun had quickly removed her makeup of her face as fast as she could, while hyunshik placed the medicine on her bedside table along with her phone. he put her bag on her desk and once yeeun was done removing the makeup, he pulled the blankets over her. the two of them looked back at their friend one last time, glancing around making sure it was all okay before leaving and quickly rushing out to harin and chenle.

harin dropped hyunshik off at the campus entrance where he said he could just run inside and assured them he was fine and if he would message yeeun once he was inside his dorm.

to which he did.

3:56 am

I'm in my room I survived the walk from the entrance to my room
tell chenle I was right
my roommate had someone over

chenle is laughing beside me just so you know

i saw a bra on the lounge room couch 😟😟
omg I can't sit there anymore😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

they arrived to chenles place and thanked harin quickly before rushing into his house. yeeun took her shoes off immediately and walked to his bathroom, using his make up remover wipes to quickly remove her own makeup. she sighed and washed her face under water, before forcing herself to walk into the lounge room.

chenle sat on the couch, in different clothes now. he just wore some sweatpants and a random white t-shirt. his hair was messily brushed around and his eyes had slight dark circles under them.

"where should I sleep?" yeeun asked, taking steps towards him.

"with me."
chenle said casually, standing up and walking towards her. he grabbed her hand and gently led her to his room. yeeun saw his bed and immediately walked faster, letting herself fall face first into the bed.

"did that hurt?" he said through his quiet laughs, his hand coming up to rub her back gently.

"a little." she said, rolling over onto her side to look at him. chenle eyed yeeun up and down for a second, the both of them immediately becoming aware that the outfit she was wearing wasn't very clean nor was it comfortable to sleep in.

"I'll give you some clothes to wear. what do you want to wear?" he asked turning around, to walk to his closet,
"anything you give me honestly."
chenle smiled and begun looking through his clothes. he grabbed a jumper and some basketball shorts for her to wear, holding them up for her.

"these good? or do you want pants? or a t-shirt?"
yeeun forced herself to stand up despite the tiredness and she took the clothes out of his hands, "they're good."

yeeun changed in the bathroom, and when she came back to the bedroom she found that the lights were off and the only light illuminating the room was his phone's flashlight, which he had facing up. he laid down on his bed on his side, his arm holding his head up.

he patted the space in front of him for her and she smiled, walking over quickly. she laid down and instantly felt him pull the blankets up and cover her, his arm resting over her as he came closer to her.

"I'm exhausted." chenle said, sighing against her head. being together somehow made the exhaustion less horrible to deal with, giving him more of a reason to love being with her.
"me too." yeeun said, turning her head ever to slightly to be closer to him.

their faces were so close but they were too tired to even realise that. yeeun fell asleep fairly quickly after that, and chenle laid for a while, eyes closed tightly before he eventually let his thoughts calm down and he too, fell asleep.

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