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chenle 🏀
5:49 pm

let's meet at that cafe

you say that cafe as if I know what cafe you're talking about
what cafe?? 😭😭

the one that we went to last time
yk the time when you still tried to avoid me and all that
the one before that nice old lady on the street sold us some cookies or something


😗 no
be there soon ❤️

aren't they closing soon

So hurry up sweetheart

always rushing me omg
I'll be there soon 🙏🙏

"they're closing... why did you want to meet?" she said, standing in front of him making him jump slightly at the sudden appearance.

"you got here quickly."
yeeun got to the cafe within fifteen minutes, thanks to the fact that she was already out on a walk.
"I was close by." she explained.

chenle nodded his head and shoved his hands into his pockets. he raised his head and looked around, acknowledging the cold weather and how the sun was setting before them, he looked back at her letting go off a sigh.
"can we go on a walk? I wanted to clear my mind."

"it's risky.."she said, looking up at him with a worried look in her eyes.
"Don't you see how well I'm covering myself." he said, pointing at himself for emphasis.
"I can still tell it's you." she countered.

"you always see me like this though. usually I disguise myself differently when it's not to go see you."
it was true. he did at least try to look different when he went out with her. he wore the clothes he wouldn't usually wear and tried to put his hair in different hairstyles in the hat he wore, he wore his mask up high and looked down majority of the time.
"you can still get recognised..." She muttered, to which he shook his head.

"it won't happen. don't worry."
he was lying, she could see through it, but he sounded so confident in himself at the same time. he just wanted to be free
"you sound confident.."

"I have to be confident, other wise you won't walk with me." yeeun smiled and nodded her head.

she begun to consider. There really wasn't many people around on these streets now as all of these cafes and such other stores were closing. so she agreed.

she just didn't realise how far he wanted to walk.

"just a five minute break. please."
chenle laughed as she tugged on his arm, trying to get him to stop walking.

the walk so far was calm and peaceful. he didn't talk all that much, using the time with her to just clear his mind. every now and then, he spoke up and told her somethings that were on his mind. slowly opening up to her about things to do with his job and personal life.

"we can sit there?" chenle said pointing to the bus stop that was up ahead. she lifted her head and looked up to see the bus stop. she quickly nodded and walked faster, wanting to just sit down as quick as possible.

she pulled chenle along all the way until they were sitting on the seats. yeeun sighed out tiredly as she readjusted her jacket, trying to stay warm in the cold weather. she reached into her pocket and grabbed out her phone, only for it to show a red battery.
"my phones dead."
she said, staring at her phone with a blank expression.

"what did you want it for?"
"I wanted to watch videos with you."
chenle smiled to himself. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket and checked his own battery, grinning when he saw it was almost full battery.  "you can use mine" he offered.

she smiled up at him and grabbed the phone, immediately going to his instagram and scrolling through his reels. she leaned in closer towards him, tilting his phone so he could see the videos as well.

the two of them sat there, relaxing for a few minutes before they would walk all the way back to her university where he would drop her off.

there wasn't many people around. chenle had noticed a few people walking past them, but he didn't want to pay too much attention to them, just incase they recognised him. it was best to avoid all eye contact.

if only he knew just who was walking by.

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