✧ 43

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as they approached her dorm building they stopped under a small covered area from the rain. it had benches and tables to sit at, yet no one was sitting there, they probably all ran inside due to the weather.

yeeun sat on one of the tables and looked at chenle, still holding the umbrella above his head as he turned his attention from the heavy rain to her.

"you said I was stubborn but you're the one who is stubborn. why can't I just walk in the rain? It's not even that bad." she said, knowing that she was lying. the heavy rain would've drenched her and only made her sicker.

chenle scoffed and looked towards the rain. it continued to pour down heavily, seemingly getting heavier.
"you're sick. you can't get any more sick." he reaches his hand over to her hand, picking it up from her lap and holding it.

he pulls her to stand up and she does after a few more tugs.
"Let's go back to your dorm." he says, beginning to pull her out towards the rain, the rain becoming even louder as it hit the umbrella that covered them.

"you don't even know where it is." she said, looking up at him. he shrugged his shoulders and looked over at her.
"exactly. so you lead the way."

it wasn't long before yeeun caught sight of people looking at them. People walking under their own umbrellas, seemingly minding their own business until they got closer then suddenly she felt like everyone was staring at them. wanting to run ahead of him and pretend to not know him, she slowly let go of his hand, though he didn't let go of hers.

he looked down at her and followed her eyes, seeing a group under some shelter all looking at them. he looked back at her and shoved her lightly to get her attention.
"they don't know me. I think I disguised myself pretty well."

he said, grinning as though she could see his smile despite having a mask on. his hood was still over his head, his mask still up and his hair messily covering his eyes. he also didn't look up all that much so it would be crazy if someone recognised him at such a random place.

but the possibility was there, and yeeun couldn't forget that possibility.

"what if-" and just as she was about to start whining stubbornly about her complaints and worries, he spoke. cutting her off with the sentence he said so casually.

"It's fine, sweetheart."

she shut her mouth instantly. no longer thinking of anything other than the fluttering feeling in her and how her heart began to race faster. she found her hand slowly holding onto his again instead of just merely being held.

she pulled him along faster, tugging him towards her dorm building faster, trying to ignore the feeling.

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