✧ 16

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chenle 🏀

*chenle 🏀 sent a photo of headphones.*
are these yours?
they were on the table where you were sitting soo

oh yeah
I thought I lost them

you did lose them
lucky I found them for you 🥰😍😍


do you want me to come get them?

how about tomorrow?
sorry it's just I have a lot of schedules today.
unless you need them?

yeah that's okay
nah I don't need them

she sat at the back with hyunshik, the two of them playing a game on imessages before the class started. the lecturer began talking about a presentation as soon as the class started, and now that it was time to choose who the group pairing were going to be. she felt her heart racing as the teacher began to call out names.

she hadn't spoken to many of the classmates in this particular class and she was only friends with hyunshik. the said boy seemed relaxed in his chair and didn't seem bothered by it at all, though he was often good at starting conversations with people.

as long as she didn't get in a group where she would be the one to do everything, she didn't mind that much. It was the group meetings that worried her. the teacher called her name out and she patiently waited for hyunshik's name to be said, but it wasn't. he was put in the group right after hers.

he turned and looked over at her, seeing her frowning at him. "what? it's not my fault." he said with a breathy laugh. She sighed and nodded her head, "I know, just wish that we were together though."

everyone began shifting and moving to sit with their groups. thankfully yeeun didn't have to move as her group mates walked towards her. They three girls introduced themselves with bright smiles as they sat next to her. Sooah, Hanuel, and Jiwon. they shared a small conversation about the topics they wanted to choose specifically but the teacher began speaking again.

the girls were nice, and it eased yeeun's worries about having bad group mates. she relaxed and took notes for the rest of the class, her group mates only speak when they had a question and were overall hard workers. she mentally thanked the teacher for putting her in a good group for once.

though she couldn't thank the teacher for much anymore as the huge presentation was due next week, earning surprised gasps and murmurs from everyone in the room.

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