✧ 21

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she ended up going with the manager and now stood outside the door again. Though she fought herself in order to not hesitate like last time, it took her a few seconds to actually follow in after the manager as he announced he came across someone.

she stepped inside and earned the surprised reactions from everyone. despite being surprised, they all seemed pleased to see her.

"we were just talking about you and chenle! quick question, do you feel tired when chenle does? like let's say he just finished dance practice, would you feel tired too?"

"I don't think so...?" 

"see I told you they don't have that kind of bond yet!" harin exclaimed, standing up and pointing at haechan who seemed to have thought otherwise.

"not everyone gets that kind of bond anyway." Jaemin said with a shrug, taking a sip from his coffee.

as everyone continued to talk about soulmates and the bonding process, yeeun stood behind harin who continuously turned around in her chair and tried to get yeeun to talk and voice her opinions.

yeeun wished she could speak more confidently but she didn't know anyone here well enough to speak without worry. she felt everyone's eyes on her countless times as she quietly observed the situation.

everyone continued to glance and look over at yeeun, making her shift on her feet. these were the same people she used to look up to and suddenly she knew them on a more personal level. it wasn't that she didn't like them, but it was awkward and uncomfortable to just stand there.

chenle was among that crowd of those who looked over at her continuously, though for a different reason.

he wasn't sure exactly how, but he felt as though he could tell she wasn't comfortable. he continuously looked over at her for a few seconds then looked away but then he found himself staring at her.

she's definitely uncomfortable.

he pushes himself off the mirror he was leaning on and places his coffee on the table next to Jaemin, walking towards yeeun. she eyed him as he approached her, and when he came closer she turned towards him.

once in front of her, he leans in towards her ear and whispers, "if you're uncomfortable you don't have to stay. I'm sure our manager persuaded you, he always does that with the soulmates."

she finds herself smiling to herself before whispering into his ear, "how do you know whether I'm uncomfortable or not."

"you just seemed uncomfortable. maybe it's a soulmate thing." he pulls away from her with a fond smile on his lips. they look at each other before she nods her head. he turns back to the others and noticed they were all looking at the pair of the soulmates with grins, though they dropped the knowing grins before yeeun saw.

"I'm going to walk yeeun out, she has to go somewhere." Chenle says, sending a glare at haechan and jaemin who were the only two who continued to grin at them.

"okay! bye yeeun, it was nice to see you again. you should come see us more often!" jaemin said, waving towards her. everyone said their agreements and goodbyes as she and chenle walked out of the room.

once the door closed behind them jeno spoke instantly. "chenle definitely likes her."

"they're soulmates, it's expected." haechan said with a bright grin on his lips. His own eyes drifting over to harin's, reminiscing how he felt when they first started to bond properly.

"did you see how he was looking at her earlier, he is in love." mark said teasingly.

"once again, they're soulmates. it's expected." haechan said before taking a sip from his drink, the smile never leaving his face as one of the youngest in the team was clearly falling for his soulmate.

perhaps they didn't love each other yet, but everyone could tell they definitely had some sort of positive feeling towards each other.

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