✧ 47

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she had spent majority of the day joining chenle in on his solo schedules of practice, but she eventually had to leave and study back at her home.

chenle walked her through the building leading her to the exit they always went too. his hand gently holding onto her hand, something he tried to do subtly as they walked down the stairs.

on the way jaemin joined them, casually speaking to yeeun as she comfortably spoke back, finally feeling like it was getting easier to speak to them.

chenle stopped walking, which made her swing back when she kept walking. she looked at him with confusion, looking back and realising they were to go separate ways now. she looked back at chenle, noticing the smile he held across his face. it was almost as if he was constantly happy around her.

"get home safe."
she replicated his smile and nodded, nodding her goodbye. he let go of her hand, letting it fall to her side as she looked over his shoulder to where jaemin waited for chenle, saying her goodbyes to him aswell.

when she left, chenle turned around on his heel and made eye contact with the smirking boy. chenle rolled his eyes, walking past the boy as he purposely bumped their shoulders.
"leave me alone."

Jaemin continued to smirk, following shortly behind chenle. "I didn't say anything~"

yeeun pushed open the door to her work, immediately seeing her two friends talking to each other of the counter. They turn their attention to her, minhee practically jumped forward to grab her arm and pull her towards them.

"we think we know who your soulmate is."
minhee said in a whisper. yeeun rolled her eyes humming as she waited for her friends to speak.

"apparently there is an idol who has been caught with their soulmate. it's just a rumour but there is photos."

oh my god. I'm done for. we're caught.

"is straykids han jisung your soulmate?"

oh thank god. poor han jisung but thank god it's not chenle.

"nope." she said, grinning a toothy grin to make up for how her face fell in fear mere seconds ago.

her friends throw their heads back with annoyed groans. "we will never know who your soulmate is, I swear! Is he even real?" hyunshik whines, taking off his work badge as yeeun put hers on, the two of them swapping places as yeeun steps behind the counter.

"he is real." she says, fixing her uniform briefly. "and I can tell you who he is, but what is the fun in that."

"tell us!" minhee begs, placing her hands together as she looks at her friend with pouting lips.

"guess who it is and I'll tell you when you're right." yeeun says teasingly, wriggling her eyebrows.

"does he not want us to know?" minhee asked, looking defeated as there was no way they could just randomly guess. yeeun bites her lip to hold herself from smiling to widely. she enjoyed this more than she should be. seeing her friends become annoyed pleased her.
"no, it's not that. I can tell you, but I just don't want too~"

"oh, you're so annoying." hyunshik says, turning around and leaving the store as the two girls laughed at him.

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