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chenle wrapped himself in her blanket. yeeun was about to do the same thing when suddenly chenle opened his arms wide for her. she looked at him, staring for a few seconds before realising what he was gesturing.

she crawled her way over to him and laughed at how he moved his legs, making her sit between them. she turned around and sat down, leaning her back against him. he wrapped his arms around her, while simultaneously also wrapping the blanket around the both of them as well.

she relaxed into his comforting hold and rested her head back onto his shoulder. she looked up at him and saw him staring right at her with a loving smile.

"what?" she asked.
"nothing." he sighed and tightened his hold on her ever so slightly.

"look at us... even after everything we are still together and strong."
he said, his hand coming out from under the blanket to move her hair out of her face. "we worried so much for no reason."

the way he was looking at her, eyes filled with so much love, it made yeeun's face turn a light shade of red. she hummed with a smile, "we really did."

they didn't break eye contact, even after they finished speaking. chenle's hand rested on the side of her head, gently caressing her hair. yeeun's eyes flickered down to his lips before she looked back up to his eyes. he smirked at her as her cheeks blushed red.

chenle lifted her head up, making her turn to face him just so her neck didn't hurt. he smirked and leaned forward, placing a gentle kiss on her lips before pulling back and waiting for her reaction.

it was so quick she wasn't sure it had even happened. she stared at him and slowly lifted her hand out from under the blanket. she moved it up towards her mouth, where she then pointed to her lips.

"again?" he asked with a giggle. she nodded, too stunned to speak. he leaned in again and this time, he kissed her properly. his lips moved against her own slowly, his hand brushing through her hair gently, careful to not hurt her.

he pulled away and smiled at her. "i think you did most of the worrying at the start."
yeeun scoffed, but face fell when she remembered how much she worried. she laid her head back down onto his shoulder, looking up at him as she spoke. "I did... but rightfully so. everything I overthought, eventually happened."

he hummed, placing a kiss to her forehead, "but we are okay now."
she nodded her head and wrapped her arm around him. "yes. we are."

they sat there in the comfortable silence, just relaxing in each others arms, until she suddenly had a question.

"even though we're soulmates, do you think I should still ask if we're dating now?"
chenle laughed, hugging her tighter. "yes yeeun. we're dating."

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