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it had been a week since she spent the night and majority of the day at his, and so far they had barely spent any time together since. the both of them were swamped with work, though they still tried to see each other every other night. but as the days went on, the more they realised it was getting harder to be away from each other.

chenle 🏀

I might come by today to your practice
is that okay?

yeah it's fine
what time do you think you'll come by? should I get some snacks for you?

chenle sighed and placed his phone down, leaning his head back until it hit the mirror behind him. she hadn't replied to his message, and all he could do was hope she would decide to come sooner rather than later.

he last saw yeeun two days ago. normally, he would feel relatively fine right about now. why was it so bad now?

"come on chenle we have to continue now."
their dance instructor asked, standing not to far away from him. all of his members stood in the middle of the room, looking energised.

chenle brought himself to his feet, managing to get himself to walk over to his position to dance, and for the next three hours, he did his best to not give up for the day.

the song played loudly as chenle tried to focus on dancing, though something felt different. he stopped dancing when he noticed a few people glancing over towards the door. chenle looked over towards the door and instantly his eyes lit up.

his members faces pulled up into smiles as they watched chenle practically run over towards yeeun.  her sudden appearance wasn't a complete surprise to the other members, she had messaged chenle earlier that day saying she might come by, and he had told everyone.

chenle pulled her into him instantly, hugging her tightly as he pressed his face into her neck and sighed heavily. she wrapped her arms around him and giggled quietly, asking in a small whisper, "everything okay?"

"mmhm just tired." he slurred against her neck as he calmed his breaths down from the dancing he had just done.

without realising, the two of them stood there like that for a while. they didn't move to sit down, they didn't readjust, they just stood there holding each other the exact same way.

"are you two just gonna stand there all day?"
Jaemin asked, walking past them to grab his water. chenle pulled his face away from her neck and looked towards jaemin, glaring at him.

chenle looked back towards his soulmate, though he couldn't see her face as she rested hers on his shoulder, so instead he talked quietly by her ear.
"maybe we need to start seeing each other daily. I feel so much more tired than how it used to be."

"yeah... but I don't know if I can do it every day. I'm a busy girl." she said with a slightly giggle to her words. chenle smiled and nodded his head.

"you don't always have to be here. just when we need each other." he said, rubbing his hand on her back. yeeun pulled her head back and looked at him with a sweet smile.
"and what if I just want to see you?"

his own lips pulled back into a even bigger smile, nodding his head as her arms loosened around his neck, pulling back to rest her hands on his shoulders.
"Then let's see each other when we just want too."

only you - chenleWhere stories live. Discover now