✧ 50

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there wasn't long left until her shift was over, so the two of them held a simple conversation, mainly to keep keep yeeun awake. yeeun soon started replying less to him and rested her head on her arms that were on the counter. chenle noticed her and he walked around the counter, standing beside her.

"you seem tired."
he says, pushing her shoulder back with his hand, trying to get her to not fall asleep. she looks up and glares at him through her half-lidded eyes.
"I'm allowed to be tired I'm working very hard you see."

chenle giggles before grabbing her hand and shaking it around "ohhh of course you can be tired!" he said in a loud high pitched voice, watching as a smile rises onto her face.

the stores door opened and a boy entered, wearing the stores uniform. yeeun looked away from chenle over to the boy who was walking past her until he noticed another person behind the counter.

"who's he?" hyunshik said, lifting a finger to point at the guy he had yet to recognise.

"OH him... uhh a guy." yeeun said, a smirk growing on her face as she could see her friends eyebrows raise.

"oh my god is that your soulmate." hyunshik said as he jokingly brought his hand up to face, dramatically making his hand shake. yeeun rolls her eyes, gesturing hyunshik to walk away. "go away"

hyunshik drops his hand, looking around tbe store before looking back at them.
"Fine. if you really want to keep it a secret, I'll go to the fridge section for twenty seconds and if he is still here then I demand to know who he is."

hyunshik walks away and chenle turns to yeeun, a quiet giggle leaving his lips. "is that your friend?"
yeeun nods her head and smiles at chenle.
"are you okay with him knowing?"

chenle nods his head and sneaks his hand closer to hers, his fingers playing with the tips of her fingers. "if you trust him, I will trust him too."

hyunshik makes his way back over to the counter and stands in front of the counter, hands on his hips, looking at the two of them with an expectant look.

chenle lowers his mask down to his chin, extending a hand towards hyunshik.
"nice to meet you, I'm chenle."

hyunshik's jaw dropped and he smacked a hand over his mouth, wide eyes flickering between chenle and yeeun.

chenle laughs as he watched the boy overreact in an exaggerated way, though he began laughing harder when hyunshik drops the act and shakes chenles hand as well.
"nice to meet you, I'm hyunshik."

the two of them casually drift into a conversation about hyunshiks studies before talking about their hobbies, both of them talked happily about games they both play.

yeeun watched with a fond smile on her face. Seeing the two of them get along so well made her happier than she thought it would. though it was now past her time to be in the store. she didn't want to be there any longer than she had to be. so she walked away from the two of them, grabbing her things. chenle noticed her leave and immediately watched as she walked into the staff room. He turned back to hyunshik and saw the boy smirking at him.

"you seem like you'll be a good soulmate." hyunshik said, closing his eyes as he nodded his head in approval.
"thank you...?" chenle muttered, trying hard to fight the urge to smile.  

"can we go? I'm tired."
yeeun said, as she walked out of the room. chenle nodded with a smile and bid his goodbye with hyunshik, pulling his mask up.

yeeun said her goodbyes as well, though she didn't receive any words only a big smile from him. "what?" she said, glaring at him, already sensing the teasing that was to come her way.

"I'll message you later." hyunshik said, waving the two of them off as he switched places and stood behind the counter.
"yeah, I figured you would." yeeun said as she grabbed chenles hoodie sleeve, pulling him out of the store.

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