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the whole party consisted of yeeun following chenle around. she was practically glued to his side as he walked her around and introduced her to the staff he knew well and liked.

their hands interlocked as chenle gently pulled her through the crowd of people dressed up formally. she quickened her steps, her free hand grabbing his arm as she stopped him from walking and whispered into his ear.

"can we go to the side for a bit?"
he looked back at her with a smile tugging his lips up. he turned his attention over to one of his favourite staff members and then back to her. "one last person. I promise."

yeeun smiled and let him lead her over to this staff member. the staff member stood in a suit, next to a women who was holding a child.

"yeeun, this is daejung." chenle said, letting go off yeeun's hand, only to place it around her and on her shoulder, pulling her into his side. she shook the older man's hand and he grinned brightly, eyes switching between chenle and yeeun.

"you're yeeun? chenle doesn't shut up about you."
chenle immediately hit the man playfully, rolling his eyes as he claimed that he was lying. yeeun felt herself relax as they continued talking to daejung. perhaps it was chenle comforting hold on her, or how daejung was clearly one of the better staff members.

he spoke casually to the members when they came over and didn't act differently towards yeeun. compared to all the other, awkward or strict sounding staff, this one was one of the better ones she had met today. though chenle did make it clear that a lot of the better staff members weren't present, due to them preferring to rest at home with their families rather than go to a party.

daejung seemed to have mixed the two together though.
"this is my wife, ayeong." daejung explained as ayeong smiled shyly. "and this is my daughter, jangmin."

as daejung and chenle began talking, yeeun and ayeong shared a small conversation about jangmin. yeeun played with the babies hand and when the baby smiled brightly at her, yeeun couldn't hold back her reaction. she smacked a hand to my mouth and closed her eyes, as if holding in her tears.

ayeong let out a hearty laugh and patted the girls shoulder with her free hand. "you're still young, yeeun." She said, grinning between yeeun and chenle.

chenle turned his head towards the two in surprise. what are they talking about? yeeun's panicked gaze made him worry but after seeing her shy smile he relaxed and merely tilted his head at her, a smile on his lips, replicating her own. "what happened?"

"she wants a-" Ayeong started only to get cut off by yeeun. "No! no I don't!" And ayeong couldn't help but laugh even more, making jangmin start giggling too.

they stood there talking to ayeong and daejung for a long time. they spoke about all sorts of things, and yeeun could completely understand why chenle said he liked them.

thought now she was completely exhausted and utterly sick of talking to people. with the exception of chenle.

they make their way over to the side of the big room, where there was many empty seats. yeeun was the first one to take a seat, immediately slumping into the chair and let out a sigh as she closed her eyes for a brief moment,

"thank you for coming."
she opened her eyes and saw chenle standing in front of her, looking down at her with glistening eyes. her heart picked up its pace as he offered his hand towards her. she lifted her hand and placed it in his, feeling her energy come back to her.

"we're soulmates after all. what kind of soulmate would I be if I didn't go." she asked, managing to bring herself to stand up in front of him. he didn't step back to give her more space, instead he stared into her eyes with the same sincere look he always gave her.

"a mean one." he said, pouting his lips jokingly, instantly laughing when he saw her face scrunching up in disgust.

"let's go take photos." he suddenly said. she didn't say anything, instead she just followed him, still holding tightly onto his hand as he lead her over to a section of the room that was clearly for the idols to take photos to post. there was a huge mirror and fake flowers and plants all around and in front of it. it was pretty, catching her off guard. she looked around and found a small table with all sorts of accessories laid out across it.

chenle called out to her. she turned to him, seeing him stand in the middle of the room, his hand reaching out to her casually. she couldn't help but think he looked cool like this. Dressed in a suit, a hand in his pocket, his hair swept back and a hand reaching out to her. her heart quickened at the mere sight.

she walked over to him, and went to hold his hand when he moved his hand away from hers. she didn't have time to be confused though, because he sneaked his hand over to her back, pulling her closer to him and leading her to stand in front of him.

she stood there in front of him, his hand on her waist as he looked into the mirror. he pulled his phone of his pocket and put it up, ready to take photos. she pressed her lips back into an awkward smile, not knowing how she should pose. he grinned and took the photos before he dropped his head, laughing quietly.

"you look so awkward." he said as he lifted his head up to look at her through the mirror again.

"I don't know how to pose." she said before laughing at her self when she saw the photos he just took.

he quickly exited the camera roll and back to the camera, taking photos as he posed himself. instantly pleased with the photo results of her smiling brightly, mid laugh and him smiling just as bright as he looked at her.

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