✧ 30

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she pushes her dorm door open with a smile grazing her lips. As she looked back down to the bag he had given her, her smile widened. but the sound of sobs distracted her thoughts though.

she instantly looked up and saw minhee sitting on her bed curled up in the corner of it, her head in her knees as she sobbed.

"oh minhee.."
yeeun said, taking her shoes off as quickly as she could. She placed her things down onto the bed and instantly went across to minhee's bed.

"what happened? why aren't you at class?" she said, sitting on the edge of the bed. minhee looked up with tears stained cheeks and red eyes.

"he broke up with me."

yeeun opened her arms and minhee crawled over and hugged her tightly, sobbing into the girls shoulder.

"I know.... I know we weren't even soulmates but I really liked him."
minhee struggled to say out as she tried to control her breathing and her sobs.

"shhh... it's okay minhee..." yeeun comforted, patting the girls back.

minhee's boyfriend wasn't her soulmate, but they both really liked each other. it was clear to everyone that despite the fact that they weren't soulmates, they were perfect for each other. perhaps in another life they would be soulmates.

"he met his soulmate and then told me that he doesn't think we should date anymore." she said as she tried to calm down. "I mean I completely understand and I'm not mad at him. I just..."

"wish it didn't have to be like this?" yeeun said, completely the sentence for the girl who had managed to calm herself down.
"yeah." Minhee said, removing herself from the hug to wipe the tears off her face.

"one day you'll meet your soulmate and you won't even care about him anymore." yeeun said, looking the girl in the eyes as she rubbed her eyes.

"well I would really like to meet this soulmate of mine right now. please and thank you." she said, trying to make herself smile. she then sighed and looked back at yeeun.
"my parents want me to move back home, you know since it isn't far from here anyway."

"are you going too?" yeeun asked with a small pout almost to try and persuade minhee to stay, but the girl nodded her head.

"yeah I think I will. I miss seeing them more often you know. besides I barely even live here now as it is." minhee said, looking around the room that was barely hers. the only thing that was decorated by her was her bed and the few posters she had up above her bed.

"but I'll stay for a bit. just to collect myself."
yeeun nods and brings the girl in for another hug.

"You'll met your soulmate soon enough, minhee. don't worry."

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