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it seemed to become a regular occurrence, chenle always going to her work when he was free, just before her shift finished.

usually they would end up going to his place, needing to spend time together due to the soulmate connection. but tonight was a night where they didn't need to see each other, and chenle had a scheduled vlive to film in roughly one hour.

yeeun packed her things up and bid her goodbye to her coworker who was taking over the shift. chenle waited outside with his identity relatively hidden, but it was cold out and barely any one was out to see him.

yeeun tapped his shoulder and they begin to walk along the footpath, in the direction of her university.

"you have a live to film soon, right? you should go rest and then go prepare."

chenle dramatically sighed and turned his head towards her, "you just don't want me to be with you." he said, crossing his arms across his chest.

yeeun quickly looked towards chenle, eyes widened and she shakes her hands and began to explain herself. "no! that's not what I meant-"

chenle's laughter cut her off and her expression dropped into a glare.
"I know what you meant yeeun." he looked forward, beginning to slow down how fast he walked as he noticed they were getting close to the university. "but don't worry, I rest when I'm with you."

"you will have to go basically as soon as we get to the university." she said, acknowledging the time. it was the true, he would have to leave as soon as they got there and go to the company to help set up. it was slightly disappointing to her, but she didn't want to make it obvious that she wanted him to stay.

"slow down." He said, grabbing her sleeve and pulling her back just before she stepped onto the road. she paused and then noticed a car turning onto the street. chenle began walking again once the car was gone, his hand still on her arm as he gently guided her across the road.

he begun speaking again once they were across the road. "I will leave once we're at the dorm then, since you want me to go so bad."

yeeun looked back at him and rolled her eyes before she merely hummed, nodding her head. they drifted into a short conversation about dog outfits yeeun had found online and had been considering buying for daegal, but it didn't last long as they were eventually at the university.

they walked across the empty campus, the only light being the lamps along the path. chenle fixed his hoodie and mask, ruffling his hair across his eyes, just in case.

they walked up until the entrance of the dorm building, where she stopped and turned towards him.

"thank you for walking me here."
she says. chenle looks at her with a smile stretching across his lips.

should I hug her? would she be okay with that? Wait a second.. why do I even want to hug her? is it the soulmate thing. yeah definitely..
... I'm totally not falling for her... no way.. right?

he diverted his attention elsewhere quickly before he could think about it more in depth. he shoved his hands into his pockets and took a step back slowly. "you should go up to your room now. rest well."

"have fun on the live, make sure to sleep early if you have early schedules." yeeun answered back, mimicking his stance, putting her own hands into her jacket pockets.

chenle nodded his head dramatically, and although she couldn't see it, chenle has a wide smile across his face.

"goodnight, sweetheart." he said with the most sincere voice, it almost left her speechless. almost. her heart fluttered but she played it off calmly, rolling her eyes and taking steps back.
"goodnight, chenle."

and with that yeeun walked up and into the building, glancing back as the doors closed behind her, seeing how chenle only just then turned around and left.

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