✧ 48

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it had been two days since they saw each other and he could definitely feel it. it wouldn't have been bad if it weren't for the fact he had an exhausting and long dance practice ahead of him. he could practically already feel the tiredness before it even started. even though he tried to contact her multiple times, she had yet to answer.

"I'm sure she will answer later."
hajoon said, looking at chenle from where she sat on the bench. jeno standing next to her, gulping down his water.

"yeah... I shouldn't worry, right?"

"awh you're worried?"
hajoon said, immediately grabbing chenles cheeks and tugging them. jeno choked on his water, immediately leaning forward and placing the water onto the bench behind him. trying to not laugh and also to not choke anymore, his cheeks puff out filled with water.

haechan comes running over, ready to start poking at jenos water filled cheeks while jaemin came over to chenle, immediately joining in with hajoon, grabbing and pulling on chenles cheek teasingly.

the boy didn't react, only staring at the both of them with glares before looking back at his phone, waiting for a response from yeeun.

however jeno was seconds away from physically fighting haechan as he tried to make jeno spit the water out or choke on it again, laughing like a maniac.

"you can't even go see her until practice is done."
Jaemin says, letting go off chenles cheek. he turned his head towards the clock then back to chenle, "still two hours away."

chenle shrugs his shoulders and places his phone back down, after turning the sound up, just incase she messaged while he was practicing. And although he wouldn't stop mid-song, he was more than willing to delay the practice of another song just to text her.

chenle 🏀

let's see each other today yeah?
I have dance practice in an hour
if you're free let's meet up now?
1:04 pm

are you busy?
3:52 pm

you're not dead as you?
5:08 pm

should I be worried?
6:19 pm

Oh my gosh i'm so sorry
I'm at work
it's been so busy we suddenly got so many things to do
it's only just calmed down now
on my break I didn't even check on my phone
I just ate then went back out 😭
im alive I'm so sorry
7:21 pm

at least you aren't dead
7:24 pm

I'm so sorry

its okay you don't need to apologise
when do you finish?

what about you

meant to be 7:30 but I delayed it a bit

how'd you delay it

I had to make sure you were alive

go back and finish practice

I'm back
7:48 pm

hi hi

I'll go to you

my work?
no it's fine
I'll go see you once I'm done

I'll go see you right now
someone has to keep you entertained
that someone will be me

what if a customer recognises you somehow
what then
there is so many risks
Especially if you're just hanging around the store

how many times do I have to tell you??
don't worry sweetheart
I'm not worried so don't you worry.

but I am worried
i don't want you to get into shit because of me

this isn't and will never be your fault
we're soulmates!!! so what


It's true
doesn't matter what happens
in the end we will be supported by at least one person

even if that one person is your mum?

my mum is our biggest supporter already

Jaemin is a close second i think

followed by hajoon
she doesn't shut up about us whenever she sees me
even jeno tries to cover her mouth

I need to get back to work
I got to go

I'll see you soon

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