✧ 55

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when they arrived to the nct dream dorm, they didn't even enter for a few minutes.

"I'm scared."
chenle held back his laugh as she nervously stood next to him. for once, yeeun wasn't actually scared because it was some people she wasn't close too. it was rather the fact that she was all dressed up and also the fact that she was at their home.

"really?" he asked,
"no not like actually scared but I'm just nervous of like... what they will think. you guys are idols you always look good what if I don-"

chenle turned her around and leaned in closer towards her, speaking in a hushed voice to her as he looked into her eyes. "you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen. if they don't agree than I'll have no choice but to fight them."

yeeun felt her cheeks heat up so she looked away, deciding it was time to get it over with.
"enough with the sappy shit. let's just go in."
"oh so now you say that."
yeeun grins and stands right next to him as he opened the door.

though her nervous thoughts vanished when she saw them all. they all greeted her with bright smiles and once seeing her classy outfit, compliments filled the air. as everyone complimented one another, chenle swiftly pulled yeeun towards him, close enough to whisper into her ear.

"always worried for no reason, right?" yeeun moves her hips to hit him away from her, making him giggle as she went to walk away to dalrae who was talking to renjun about a show they both liked.

"it's so sweet to see you two no longer avoiding one another." Jaemin exclaimed as he walked to stand in front of chenle.

"to be fair, she was the one who did most of the avoiding." jeno said, taking a sip from the can of beer he held.

chenle moves to the fridge and grabs a bottle of water, taking a sip before he looks around, his eyes naturally landing on yeeun who was talking to jisung now.

"you two are soo into each other." Jaemin says, shoving chenles shoulder. chenle can only roll his eyes and try to avoid smiling, knowing jaemin would only poke fun of him.

haechan steps into the kitchen, having overhead the conversation and says "well you'd hope so, they're soulmates."

jaemin and haechan begin to have an argument about how haechan never plays along with him to which haechan argues that he does... sometimes.

chenle walks off towards yeeun, dalrae and jisung, naturally joining the conversation. somehow it turned into a playful argument over some characters they felt very strongly for.
jisung and chenle vs yeeun and dalrae.

the argument was resolved by none other than hajoon, who immediately huffed afterwards and claimed she was the only mature one in this whole dorm.

the group spent the day cooped up in the dorms, watching movies and talking until the managers came to collect them for the party.

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