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his mother was right. he now completely understood what she meant when she said that he would soon enough feel this need for yeeun.

it had been a few days since the party, they saw each other yesterday but only for two hours since they were busy, much like they were busy today. however it was now night time, almost 11pm and chenle was resting in his bed thanks to his schedules finishing early. and his mind wouldn't leave her.

all he could think about was her. it got to the point he started realising things he didn't realise before. like how he always looked at her with a soft gaze compared to how he looked at his friends and other loved ones. how he always thought about hugging her and holding her close. how he constantly caught himself looking down at her lips.

they saw each to her just yesterday but he felt this overwhelming urge to see her. he even googled it, though it only told him that it was the soulmate bond tightening, which he already knew. the only other thing he learnt is that there was no way to move on from this feeling, other than to go see your soulmate.

so he laid there, staring at the ceiling with his mind set on her. thinking about all the moments they've had together and even thinking of things that were to come as their relationship grew.

he suddenly sat up, throwing his blankets off his body. he reached his hand up to his face, rubbing the tiredness out of his eyes. he grabbed his phone off his bedside table and instantly called her number. 

she didn't answer and he couldn't help but wonder if she was already asleep or if she was feeling the same way?

the second time he called, she answered after a few seconds of the phone ringing. he heard blankets moving around, before hearing her tired voice.
"chenle? what's wrong?"
his heartbeat got faster as he heard the concern in her voice.

"I'm sorry. I just felt like seeing you." he says, running a hand through his hair as he nervously awaited her reply.

"oh." she says, clearly barley listening to his words. though her confusion came back instantly upon realising what he said, "wait as in coming to see me now?"

"can I?" he asked, beginning to bite his lip. what if she says no? what if-
"yeah, you can." she said, making a smile instantly appear on his face.

"okay... I'll be there soon."
she hummed into the phone and the call ended. chenle instantly stood up and quickly changed, excitement running through him.

on the other hand, yeeun slowly placed her phone down and looked around her room that was lit up by the lamp on her bedside table.

she had just managed to fall asleep only to be awoken by the person she was dreaming about. It was like most dreams, meaning it made no sense 95% of the time. but in the 5% that made sense, chenle had pulled her into a tight hug.

and oh how badly she wanted that to happen.

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