✧ 9

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he walked over towards her, avoiding all of his members playful grabs at him. yeeun met his eyes and suddenly a strike of pain rushed through the both of them. chenle sat down beside her and reluctantly put his hand out.

"physical touch helps."

it's only hand holding. it's fine.

she puts his hand in his and burn in their ankle began again. getting worse than ever before. yeeun moved her leg and stared at her tattoo, noticing it was glowing more brightly than ever before.

chenle squeezed his eyes shut as he tried to not groan at the painful ache. everyone in the room looked at them with worried glances.

"the soulmate bond is tightening." the dance instructor said as if it was obvious. "the pain will bypass soon, if you sit closer together and not sit apart like you hate each other then it will go away quicker."

upon hearing that yeeun immediately shifted closer towards chenle, so close their shoulders were practically touching.

"don't worry. you won't feel pain like that again unless you don't see each other for a while again. so don't be reckless with each other. see each other often." haechan says in a playful scolding voice.

chenle sighs and leans his head back, resting it on the wall behind them. the boys continue their dance practice without chenle as he watched in silence, mentally trying to memorise it.

as the pain eases up, yeeun grabs her phone out and starts scrolling through random posts. she got so distracted that she didn't notice when chenle let go of her hand and started to play a game on his phone. she tore her eyes away from her phone when she felt someone was staring at her.

looking up, she met mark's eyes looking between her and chenle.
"what is it?" she said gaining chenles attention. the two look at mark, who seemed flustered by her sudden harsh sounding voice.

"just wondering why..."  he starts off before going silent and just looking between them.

"Why what?" she made sure to sound nicer than she did before, feeling bad for coming off as rude. surely by now they were going to think she was a rude person with all the experiences they've had with her.

"if you're soulmates why are you two not talking."
the other members clearly began to pay attention to the conversation with how some of them looked through the mirror at them, or straight up walking over and standing next to mark.

yeeun sighed and thought for a second. why aren't we talking? without thinking too much she decided to speak her mind with no hesitation.

"I don't want to be involved with the idol life. I don't need stupid fans trying to hurt me just because my soulmate is chenle." she started, pausing for a brief moment, before continuing,
"I don't know it just feels easier to do that if I keep quiet."

for the second time since she arrived there it fell completely silent throughout the room. through the mirror she saw how chenle looked back at his phone and continued playing the game looking as though he didn't have any interest in the conversation.

little did she know chenle was already thinking of how to get to know her if she was planning to keep quiet.

"understandable." haechan says earning a small slap on his shoulder from harin. He looked at her and shrugged her shoulder, smiling at her before continuing to practice a specific dance move.

yeeun leaned her head back into the wall and closed her eyes, wishing to disappear and reappear in her comfortable room where she would be alone and able to final relax.

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