✧ 20

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yeeun walks into the cafe, happy to finally have a break from her studies for at least a few days. the presentation was just yesterday and her group managed to get a high score, that pleased them all. the class wasn't given a break, but everyone seemed to relax and not actively study hard like before now that the presentation was over.

yeeun ordered her coffee and stood off to the side when she noticed someone who looked familiar but at the same time she couldn't put a finger on it.

"oh" the older male said as he turned around and saw her. "yeeun?"

yeeun smiled at the male she now recognised as a manager of nct dream and nodded her head. she shouldn't be surprised to see him, the cafe was pretty close to sm's building.

"it's nice to see you again. you haven't come to see them in a while." he said, to which she just awkwardly shifted on her feet. Had it really been such a long time? she saw chenle regularly but she knew she should get to know his friends too since they were such a big part of his life.

the manager warmly smiled at her, "do you want to go see them? all of them want to talk and get to know you more."

without much hesitation, yeeun spoke. "oh.. I'm sorry but I'll have to pass."

slightly surprised by her quick reply. he raised his eyebrows at her, asking, "may I ask, why?"

yeeun shrugged her shoulders, "this whole situation is just... still weird to me." it was truely a weird situation she never really though would actually happen to her. she sighed, "I understand that I will have to get used to it but I'm not sure if I'm ready for it just this minute."

"I'm sorry, I know it is a rather odd situation to be in." the conversation stops there as the care worker calls out her name, holding her drink. yeeun thanks the worker and grabs her drink before turning back to the manager.

"I know you said you aren't ready yet but.. are you sure you don't want to go see them again?"

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