Chapter 1

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My name is Delaney Lopez, im 20 years old and im from the United States. Theres really nothing interesting per say about me. I graduated university, and am taking a year off to travel and enjoy life.

My best friend is Chelsea football player Christian Pulisic, we have been friends since we were kids and i wouldnt trade him for the world. Most of the time.

Today was my last day in the states before i flew to England to spend a few months with Christian.


I sat in the airport waiting for my plane to be called.

delaneylopez posted on her story: USA ✈️ UK

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delaneylopez posted on her story: USA ✈️ UK

I ate me breakfast I bought at the airport, and FaceTimed Christian.

Captain America 😏💙

yooo what's up?

nothing, just wanted to let you know I'm about to take off. Don't be late this time to pick me up, or I'll smack you.

I don't feel threatened or scared. He laughed

I rolled my eyes.

I'm just kidding, I'll be there. But then we have to rush because I have practice, so are you cool waiting for it to end?

That's fine. Maybe I'll meet a hot guy.

Yeah, my friends are off limits kiddo.

Mmhm I'll let them be the judge. I smirked

You're weird. He laughed

Oh, I have to go, we're starting to board. See you soon.

Have a safe flight! See you soon.

I hung up, and got up. I grabbed my things and rolled my suitcase towards the gate to check in. We walked through the tunnel and I took a seat, as I waited for takeoff.


I finally landed in London. It was the longest flight of my life, but I'm glad I was here. I grabbed my suitcase and got off the plane. I knew if I took forever Christian would be on my ass, so I sped walked to the exit. I looked around but couldn't see him, until I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey you" he laughed.
"Chris!" I smiled, I jumped into his arms and hugged him.
"I missed you stupid" I said
"I missed you too kiddo" he smiled.
"Follow me" he said grabbing my suitcase as we walked towards a car. He loaded it into the trunk while I got into the passenger.

"So how was the flight?" He asked as he pulled out and onto the main road.
"Good, i slept the entire way" I laughed.
"Yeah, seems like something you would do" he said shaking his head.

We finally arrived at the training field and we both got off. There were fans outside trying to get pictures and autographs.
"Christian! Is she your girlfriend?" A boy asked
We both looked at each other and laughed.
"No" we said in sync.
"She's my best friend" Christian smiled. The boy smiled, "he's too ugly for me" I joked. Christian playfully smacked me and we all laughed.

We walked inside and he began to give me a small tour. It was always amazing to see everything in person. Christian and I both met when we were at a football tournament when we were younger. But I never really made it to a higher level or league when we were grown up. But I still loved and watched football.

We walked outside, and a few players were already there.
"Yo Captain America who's the pretty lady you bring today?" Mason Mount said. I instantly smiled and blushed but tried to hide it.
"Oh so you bring other girls here?" I raised an eyebrow suspiciously
He rolled his eyes, "no I don't" he laughed.
"Delaney this is Mason, Kai, Reece. I know you know them, but this is officially" he laughed.
"Guys this is Delaney. My best friend" he smiled.
"It's nice to meet you all, and yes we're just friends" I smiled.
"Nice to finally meet you. We've heard a lot about you" Mason said.
"I hope only good things" I said looking at Christian.
"I wouldn't say that" he replied shrugging his shoulders.

He introduced me to the rest of the players as they walked in, as well as the coach and some of the trainers.

I walked over to a bench when practice was about to begin. I scrolled through TikTok for awhile, and then grabbed a left over ball once I got bored. I kicked it around and juggled it to pass time.

Eventually practice ended and the players began to pack up and get ready to leave. Christian signaled for me to come over, so I jogged over to where he was.
"So it sounds like you're staying for some time?" Mason said as he grabbed his gym bag.
"Yeah, I'm not sure how long but I'll be here" I smiled
"Until she annoys me" Christian joked
"You mean until I find a man and leave" I winked
"Damn, she'll leave your ass" Mason laughed, and we high fived.
"I'm just kidding" I laughed hugging Christian. He rubbed my hair and smiled, "yeah sure" he said shaking his head.
"Well I'll see you around, it was nice meeting you" I said to Mason
"You as well young lady, see you around" he replied.

Christian and I walked over towards his car and got in. He drove to his house which wasn't too far from the training fields.
We headed inside with our bags and my suitcase.
"Welcome to your nueva casa" he smiled
"Damn should've moved here a long time ago" I laughed.
"You should have, I've been lonely" he pouted.
"Anyways, here's your room though. I had my assistant make it a bit more girly but plain" he laughed. I walked in and smiled.

"Thanks Chris, you didn't have to" I smiled hugging him

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"Thanks Chris, you didn't have to" I smiled hugging him.
"I did. I'm just so happy you're here. I missed my best friend" he said hugging me back and kissing my forehead.
"Wow Christian being sweet, that's rare" I said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes.
"I'm kidding" I smiled and kissed his cheek.
"I love it" I said.

I left my suitcase in the room and we walked back out to the living room.

I was so excited for this new chapter in my life. I loved to go out and meet people, and I knew that me being here as well would bring company to Christian. I guess we'd just have to see what this new chapter brought us both. Hopefully a man though.

Authors note: first chapter/intro!
FYI this is a pedri fanfic, but there will be other celebrities that have nothing to do with football in it so just beware :)) thanks

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