chapter 37

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I'm woken up to Charles walking into the hotel room.
"What the hell? Why did you leave?" He yells.
"Charles, stop yelling. It's late" I reply trying to get him to calm down.
"I can't believe you left me. Do you know how embarrassing that was? Everyone was asking where you were, Carlos wanted to go celebrate with us. But you were gone, how could you do that to me?"
"You told me to leave! I didn't want to argue anymore so I left" I reply now getting more annoyed.
"See, this is what he does to us. He makes us fight, he-"
"Shut up! Just shut up already. You're always going on and on about this. I love you, I'm with you. I don't get why you're always making this a problem. Don't you trust me?"
He pauses but doesn't reply.
"Wow. Really Charles?"
"Sorry" is all he replies. The fact that he responds this way upsets me even more. I can't believe he cannot simply trust me, I'm literally the mother of his child.
"I'm sorry Charles. Im so happy for you, and I don't want to ruin this but I think we need a break. I can't even look at you after knowing you don't even trust me" I say with tears now in my eyes. He tries to say something but nothing comes out.

A part of me hoped he would say something, but he didn't. I begin to walk towards the door when he stops me.
"Do you think we could just fake it at least until after Abu Dhabi? I don't want any extra press" my heart breaks even more. I don't reply just nod. He walks over to the bathroom to change and I lay back in bed. I silently cry myself to sleep, still in shock about how this all went down.


The next morning I wake up, and turn to see Charles asleep on the couch. I guess we're really over, he seems so unaffected by it. I walk to the bathroom. To get ready.

A few minutes later I hear a knock on the door and Charles gets up to open it.
"Hey buddy" he says, immediately I know that it's Marc with Charles family.

I walk out to the room, and smile.
"Thanks for watching him, I hope he was good" I say to Charles mother.
"He was an Angel, I hope you two had a good time" she replied. I give a small smile, but I can tell she senses some tension.

She and Arthur are flying with us to Abu Dhabi, so I wonder if Charles will want to tell them the truth.

We pack up everything, and call a cab to the airport. Charles always likes to get to the locations early so he can be more rested.

We get to the airport and are checked in and taken over to Charles plane. Charles and I haven't really talked, so I know they're going to ask what's wrong once we're all on the plane.

I feed Marc a bottle while he lays in my arms, before the plane takes off. Charles sits across from me, and his mother next to us.

The plane takes off and Charles grabs Marc.

Halfway through the flight Charles mother turns to us and sighs.
"What's going on with you two?" She says, specifically looking at Charles. He sighs and looks at her.
"We broke up" he replies. She looks shocked and confused. I clear my throat as I try my best not to cry.

"Why?" She asks.
"We just-" Charles begins to say.
"I'm talking to her" she cuts him off and smiles and looks at me. Charles looks shocked and rolls his eyes.
"We just had a difference of opinions. It's for the best, I think" I reply.
"Sweetheart, you can tell me if Charles is being an ass to you. You know I love you, and I won't let him treat you badly" she says grabbing my hand. I smile.
"It's been done ma'am. But I really appreciate you saying that. I love you all too, and appreciate all you do for me" I smile.

Charles and I don't say a word to each other for the rest of the flight. We arrive in Abu Dhabi, and are escorted to our hotel.
"Hold my hand when we get out, or they'll ask questions" Charles says to me as we get ready to walk into the hotel.

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