chapter 41

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Marc and I arrived at the airport and walked inside to wait for the boys. They should be arriving any second now. I held Marc in my arms as we stood by the baggage claim.

A few minutes later we hear a whispers and clapping, I look up and smile as I see Christian and the boys walking towards us. A security guard leads the way for them.

"Chris!" I say as tears begin to form. He wraps his arms around Marc and I and holds me tight.
"I missed you so much kiddo. I'm so sorry I couldn't come earlier" he says. He lets go and kisses my forehead.
"Marc meet your tío Chris" I say. Marc smiles and does a small wave. He's still a bit shy, but it'll take some time for him to get used to them.
"Hello pretty girl, nice to see you again" Mason says hugging me next.
"You too Mase, I've missed you all" I reply.
"I'm sorry about Charles. I can't imagine how hard it must be" he says. I nod and give him a small smile.

"Kai was going to tag along, but he and soph had to get on the next flight. So they'll be here tonight" Christian says. I nod as they grab their bags.
"We should get going then" i reply.

We walk out of the airport, trying to avoid the crowd as much as possible. We get into the car and Mason sits in the back with Marc.

As I drive off I hear Marc start to giggle and get along with Mason.

We arrive at the house and I pick up Marc so the boys can grab their bags.
"Welcome back" I say as we enter the house. Marc squirms around so I can let him down. He smiles as he tries to signal to the boys to follow him as he crawls to the living room. We all laugh and they follow behind him.


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Delaney.Lopez posted on their story: I don't think Marc is a Chelsea fan 🤣

The boys all hang out in the living room as I clean around the house. I set up the guest room for them to have a place to sleep.

"Having fun with your tios, Marc?" I smile as I walk into the living room. He smiles back at me and nods.

The next day.
I wake up early today, and get ready for the day. I take a shower and change into an outfit for the party later.

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