chapter 2

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The next day.

I was so tired from the trip that I slept past the alarm.
When I finally work, I laid in bed and scrolled through TikTok. The house was silent, and I assumed Christian was still asleep. Chelsea had a match today, and Christian got me a pass to go watch. It had been almost a year since I had seen a professional football match and I was so excited.

I finally got up, since I was staring to get hungry. I quietly walked out to the living room area.
"Good morning" I heard someone say from the kitchen, I walked over to see Christian sitting on a stool.
"Hey, I didn't think you were up" I smiled walking over. I sat next to him as he scrolled on his phone.
"I was trying my best to be quiet" he replied.
"I got hungry" I laughed.
"Well, what should we eat? I can call the chef" he said putting his phone down.
"Oh wow you even have a personal chef now" I smirked
"You know me, I don't know how to cook" he said shaking his head.
"I'm kidding. But no it's fine, I'll make us some yogurt parfait" I smiled getting up. I began to look through the fridge for the ingredients and began to prepare the food.

"So you ready for today?" I asked.
"Yeah, I think so. I'm glad you're going, I've missed you at the matches" he smiled.
"I know me too" I replied
"I got you seats next to Sofia, Kai's girlfriend. She's really nice, I thought you could use a friend" he said. I nodded and smiled, "thanks".

I served us each a bowl and sat down next to him to eat. We turned the tv on in the kitchen. The Spanish league was on, and Barcelona were playing Real Madrid.
"Would you look at that, there's my future boyfriend " I smirked as I smiled at the screen.
"Who?" Christian laughed
"Pedri duh, just look how hot he is, and he's a great player" I replied.
"Yeah, in your dreams. I'm sure he has a girlfriend". He said shaking his head.
"He doesn't, trust me I know" I replied confidentially
"Yeah, okay. That's what they all say" he replied.

We finished eating breakfast, and I helped clean the kitchen up. We were about to head out, so I walked back to the room to get dressed.

I walked back out, grabbed my phone and purse and waited for Christian. Once he was ready, we got into his car and drove off towards the stadium. I wasn't used to living in the city, and the traffic was terrible. But London was so beautiful that I couldn't complain.

We listened to Taylor Swift in the way there, and no I didn't choose the playlist. Christian was a swiftie deep down. Thanks to me of course.

We got to the stadium and parked the car. There were lots of people around, and the security helped us get inside. Christian held my arm as he led me through everyone.

We got through to the lobby.
"The guard will show you where to find your seat. I'll see you after the match" Christian said pointing to the security guard.
I nodded, "good luck Chris" I replied hugging him.
"Thanks" he replied hugging me back.

I walked towards the guard as Christian turned to walk to the locker rooms. He showed me the way to my seat. As I got there I saw a girl in the seat next to me on her phone.
"Hello, you must be Sofia" I smiled, putting my hand out.
"Hey! Yes I am, are you Delaney?" She replied smiling, as she got up.
"Yeah, it's nice to meet you" I said. She shook my hand and then pulled me in for a hug.
"You too. I'm glad we're finally meeting" she said as we both took a seat.
"I know, and I love your outfit" I said.

We got to know each other and all before the match began. She was very sweet and I knew she was going to be a good friend of mine. We exchanged phone numbers so we could hangout another time as well.

"So I have to ask, you and Christian really aren't dating ?" She smirked
I laughed and shook my head, "no we're not. He's like a brother to me" I smiled.
"Ahh so you friendzoned him?" She laughed.
"No, it's just that  we've been friends forever I don't see us ever being anything else" I replied shrugging
"Oh okay, yeah I understand. So are you seeing anyone else?" She asked
"No, not at the moment. Not yet" I smirked
"Well trust me, you're very pretty, you'll find someone" she smiled
"You're too sweet. And yeah I'm just having fun until I meet the one" I replied.

The match was now finally beginning and I smiled and waved at Christian as they lined up. It felt so weird to see him on the field, and I was so proud of him.


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let's go blues 💙💙


The match ended in a tie 2-2 . Of course we were all bummed but they put up a good fight, and now they had to focus on their match in a few days against Real Madrid in the Champions League.

Sofia and I waited a bit and then walked back to the lobby to wait for Kai and Christian.

Finally the boys walked out, along with Mason.
"You did great Chris" I smiled, giving him a hug.
"Thanks kiddo, we did our best" he smiled back.
"So how'd it go" Kai asked looking at Sofia and I. We both looked at each other smiled, and then laughed.
"You'll be seeing a lot of us together now" she said.
I nodded, "we'll see if you two can separate us" I laughed.
"I'm glad you too got along" Christian smiled.
"Well lads, who's giving me a ride" Mason said putting an arm around both of them.
"Well, we had plans so..." Kai began to say
"We can take him" Christian replied
"Ouch don't sound too forced" Mason laughed
"Yeah don't sound miserable" I replied
"Let's just leave him behind" Mason said putting his arm around my shoulder. I waved at Kai and Sofia and Mason and I walked away. Christian laughed and shook his head and follows behind us.

We walked outside where the fans and paparazzi were. Christian and Mason stopped fo sign a few jerseys and take pictures.
"Is that your girlfriend Mason?" A girl said
"No, she's not" he smiled
"Is she Christian's girlfriend?" She then asked
"No she's not" he smiled again. I laughed as he went on to the next person.

After a few minutes they walked away and the guard helped us get to the car. We all got inside and Christian drove off.

"So are you coming with us to Madrid?" Mason asked.
"Only if Christian takes me" I replied jokingly
"Of course id take you weirdo" Christian laughed
"Then yes I am" I said looking at Mason.
"Great! It'll be fun" he smiled.
"Oh I'm looking forward to it" I smiled

We dropped Mason off at his house and drove to Christian's. We had some lunch and watched some tv to end the day.

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