chapter 49

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Today was the big day, the Monaco Grand Prix. It was a hard day for everyone in Monaco. Our prince (Charles) wasn't here with us, and it felt off. But I was determined to make this a good day. Especially so Marc could see how much Charles is loved and what he means to the f1 community. I know he's still young but he's become so aware of everything that I have no doubt he'll see it.

I get myself dressed for the day. Obviously in my Ferrari merch, because forza Ferrari. It's a big day, and we have to get to the track on time. I walk out to the living room where Mrs leclerc is making breakfast. I sit down to eat with her, and we let Marc sleep in a bit longer.

"Im so nervous for today" I say
"I know it's hard. But we're here for each other, and everything will be okay" she smiles as she gives me a small hug.
"Thank you for always being here for me, I love you guys. Couldn't have asked for a better family" I say as I hug her back.

Before we can finish up breakfast I hear Marc call out for me. I walk over to the room and see him standing up in the crib.
"Buenos días amor. Are you ready to get up now?" I ask. He nods his head and puts his arms out. I pick him up and we walk over to the living room. While I change his diaper, Mrs leclerc serves a plate of food for him.

We finish eating together. It's a beautiful sunny day out, and I hope it stays this way. Once we're all ready, and finish eating, I make sure we have everything we need. We head out the door to meet our driver in the lobby.

We arrive at the track after a short drive, and enter through the back entrance. We make our way towards the Ferrari team. We enter the building and I set Marc down. Immediately he walks around and begins to greet everyone, as if he knew them all. Everyone smiles and talks to him, causing him to become happier. I wish Charles could see how happy he was coming to the paddock. And how happy everyone else was to see him.

Carlos walks in, and walks over to us first. He greets Mrs leclerc and then walks over to me.

"Buenos días. Im glad you guys came. How are you holding up?" He asks as he pulls me into a hug.
"You know, just doing the best I can. It's a hard day for everyone I think" I reply.
"Yeah, I mean this is Charles land, I can't believe he's not here. It's even hard for me" he sighs.
"Yeah, but I'm sure you'll do great. And make Charles proud out there today, I know he'd do the same for you"
"I'll do my best, I know he would" Carlos smiles.
"Tio Los'!" Marc yells suddenly. He runs over and jumps into Carlos arms.
"Hola campeón! Cómo estás?" Carlos says kissing his cheek.
"Good" Marc replies. We laugh at how serious he replies.
"Ready to see the race today?" Carlos asks.
Marc nods excitedly.

We hang out in the lunch room with everyone as time passes.

delaneylopez 736,727 likescharles, it's felt like forever since we've last been here in Monaco with you

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charles, it's felt like forever since we've last been here in Monaco with you. I still can't believe you can't be here with us. we miss you, keep fighting. 🤍

user1: we miss you Charles 🤍🤍
cmpulisic: come back home brother 🤍
pedri: 🤍
user2: 🤍


The door opens and I see a familiar face enter. I smile as he walks over to where we're sitting.
He greets Mrs leclerc with a hug, and she smiles.

"Hola Pedro" I smile as he hugs me. He kisses my cheek and sits beside me.
"Sorry I'm a bit late, the traffic was crazy" he says
"We're so glad you're here Pedro. Don't worry about it" Mrs leclerc replies.
"Thank you for inviting me, I appreciate it" he says to her.
"I'll let you two catch up. Im going to take a walk with Marc" she says getting up.

We both nod and she grabs Marc.

"How are you feeling?" He says placing his hand on my thigh.
I shrug, "it sucks. Charles should be here. But I'm trying to be strong" I say.
"I know princesa. And you're so strong for being able to be here with all the memories. But Charles must be so happy to know you're here with Marc. He'll be back soon, don't worry" he replies.
"You're so good at calming me Pedro. Gracias" I say. I blush and look down.
"I'll always be here for you. Both of you" he says.

We hang out for a bit before it gets closer to the Grand Prix start time. We head outside to find Marc and Mrs leclerc. It takes us awhile as most of the drivers stop by to talk to me. Eventually we see them over by the garage, of course.

"There you are Marc! Are you having fun?" I say as he stands beside the Ferrari car.
"Mami! Pepi!" He smiles running over.
"That's such a cool car Marc. Do you like it?" Pedri asks as Marc gives him a hug. Marc nods.
"Like papa" he points at a photo they have of Charles.
"That's right, it's like your papas" I say. He looks so proud and walks back over to the car.
He's so interested as he watches Charles prepare and they begin to set it up for him.


They call us over to the start line for the singing of the national anthem. We head over and I carry Marc in my arms. I explain to him what's going on so I can make sure he stays calm. The drivers make a circle and they call us to go inside. I'm confused, I wonder what they're covering. I walk past Carlos, and end up in the middle. There on a podium they have one of Charles favorite helmets. My eyes begin to water, I pull Mrs leclerc into a small hug as we look at the helmet.

"For papa?" Marc asks

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"For papa?" Marc asks.
"Yes amor. That was your papas helmet. It's so beautiful, do you like it?"
He pats his head. "Si!" He says.

They begin to play the national anthem. And the memories of Charles being at the front flood in. It really sucks that he's not here. I still can't believe it.

Everyone claps and they have a minute of silence to send good vibes to Charles, hopefully he'll be back soon.

They call for everyone to get ready for the race, so we make our way back towards the garage.
"Buena suerte" I say to Carlos as he's getting into the car.
"Gracias" he says.

We walk over to find seats in the stands so we can watch. Marc is so excited to be up here and actually see the cars.

The cars get ready for the race, and before we know it the lights are on and away they go! Marc cheers and claps, I've never seen him this happy. Hoping for a Ferrari win. Because I know it's what Charles would have wanted.

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