chapter 13

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Delaney POV
I was so full of confusion I didn't know what to think.
"Hey, are you okay?" Christian said rubbing my hand. I didn't realize I had it in a fist. They continued to show Charles and charlotte hugging and celebrating with the team.
"How could he?" Is all I could say. I shook my head and walked out the door. I walked back and forth and took deep breaths to try not to overreact. But slowly my phone kept getting notifications, people were confused as much as I was.

I texted Charles to call me as soon as he read my text. I knew he wouldn't get to his phone until at least 10-15 minutes.

Christian POV
Delaney slammed the door as she walked outside. I was about to get up, but remembered I couldn't with me leg injury.
"What the fuck? What's happening? Did they break up?" Joao asked looking at me. I was pissed at Charles. How could he do that to her.
"No they hadn't. They were fine, I think. He acted perfectly normal this morning" I said confused.
"That was so fucked of him to do. Especially on live tv" joao said shaking his head.

"I'm going to go check on her" Mason said getting up.
"Thanks" I replied.

Delaney POV
I saw Charles read my message, I knew he wouldn't call me so I called him right away.


charles, how could you? Why did you do this to me?

do what?

don't act like a dumbass. so many people sad you on tv with charlotte. Is this why you didn't want me to go?


It is, isn't it? I don't understand why you weren't honest with me. How could you humiliate me in front of eveyone, how could you break my heart in front of millions of people.

Delaney, please. I'm sorry. But we both know we weren't okay.

Don't come to me with that shit.

We weren't! You're always just wanting to do those model shoots to show other guys your body. Even though I expressed how I didn't like it. You could do anything else. Why that?

So that's what this is about? That's so fucking stupid Charles. I hate you. I hate you!

The door opened as someone came behind me and took my phone. Mason.

Don't ever come near her again, fuck you charles leclerc. Mason said and he hung up.

I sobbed as I sat on the stairs.
"Hey, I'm sorry this happened. Forget him, it's going to be okay. You got all of us to back you. You're too pretty to cry over him" Mason said wrapping his arm around me. He pulled me in for a hug and I cried into his chest. He rubbed my back, eventually getting me to calm down.

We went back inside as I wiped my tears. I sat next to Christian and leaned on his shoulder.
"We're here for you kiddo. You did nothing wrong" he said kissing my head. I nodded as they changed the tv, to try to get my distracted.


a few days later.
"Ready to go?" I said to Chris as he walked slowly with his brace on his knee. He smiled and nodded.

We had just arrived in Barcelona. These past few days had been hard for the both of us. His injury is keeping him from playing for a few weeks, and of course my breakup with Charles. We decided to go spend some time in Barcelona, at our home to distract ourselves. I mean who doesn't love Barcelona.

We took an Uber to the house, and got ready for some good times. Charles continued to text me, but he didn't deserve my attention. I continued to ignore him and anyone who asked questions for the moment.

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