chapter 40

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a few weeks later.

It's officially been one month since the day Charles fell into a coma. It's still been incredibly difficult to go on with our life, but every day Marc is growing and changing and I know I need to be strong for him. We still go to see Charles everyday, still hopeful he'll wake up one day.

Marc was almost turning 1 year, and I would've loved for Charles to be here for that.

I woke up early today, before Marc. I walk over to the shower and get ready for the day. I tie my hair back into a ponytail, and walk out to the living room.


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an entire month without you💔
user1: we miss you Charles!!
cmpulisic: ❤️

I set my phone down and turn the tv on. I make sure to keep it on low so Marc won't wake up. I shed a tear as I see the next available episode of Charles and I favorite show. Of course only time has been healing, but these small things still upset me.

I'm interrupted in my thoughts by a knock at the door. I'm already assuming it's Pedri or another one of the Barcelona boys. They're the only visitors we have. I open the door to reveal a smiling pedri.
"Buenos días" I say as I move over to let him in.
"Buenos días" he replies. I shut the door behind him as he follows me to the living room.
"Where's el principe?" He asks.
"Still asleep. Why are you here so early?"
"I was on my way to practice but just thought I'd check up on you two" he replies.
"I really appreciate it Pedro, but you don't have to stop by all the time. We're not your responsibility"
"I do it because I care for you. You know that. I won't leave you two alone. You'll always have me no matter what" he smiles and pokes me lightly. I can tell he means it, and it brings me comfort.

We hear Marc's whining and I start to get up. I walk over to his room and he immediately stops crying. He puts his arms out for me to grab him, and I carry him.
"Buenos días amor" I kiss his cheek.
"Mama" he smiles. I walk him over to the living room and he waves as he sees pedri.
"Pepi!" He yells. He squirms so I can set him down, so I do and he crawls quickly over to Pedri.
"Principito! Buenos días" pedri says picking him up. He tickles him, and causes Marc to laugh.

Pedri hangs out for a minutes until he sees the time and realizes he has to head out.
"If I'm late one more time I won't be able to play. Sorry guys, I have to go" he says getting up. Marc pouts.
"We'll see him soon amor. Pepi has to go to work" I say picking him up. He lays his head on my chest as I rub his back.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to make him upset" pedri sighs.
"It's no problem. He just loves you and the guys too much" I smile.
"And we love him" pedri smiles and kisses his forehead, before saying goodbye.

As soon as pedri heads out I walk over to change Marc's diaper and change him into clothes for the day.

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