chapter 23

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the next day.

After pulling an all-nighter, Sofia and I struggle to wake up this morning. We binged watched a bunch of movies last night, to cure our sadness. The boys unfortunately were only able to hang out with us for an hour after the match. It was upsetting, but we understood.

Today, I wake up slowly and open the blinds to let some light in. Sofia groans and turns around to face the other side. I walk over to the shower so I can wake myself up.

I couldn't help but think about Pedri. I know I was upset at him, and I know I shouldn't be thinking of him but I couldn't help it. And now he was all over posters and signs in Qatar.

I get out of the shower and choose an outfit to go along. We get to hang out with the boys for the morning before practice, which is what we planned to do. Spain had their match today against Costa Rica. I had already bought tickets for Sofia and I since before pedri and I argued. So that was the plan for today.

I begin to do my hair and makeup and wake Sofia up.
"Soph, we're going to be late" I say poking her.
"I'm up, I'm up" she says half asleep. She stumbles as she walks over to the bathroom and I laugh.

My phone begins to ring so I walk over to get it.

Pedro 🙄


Buenos días princesa

what do you need Pedro?

well, I need you but-

I mean why did you call? Shouldn't you be getting ready for your match?

Ahh, so you're keeping tabs on me, huh? Even though it's just his voice I can picture him smirking.

Well everyone knows there's a match today, and we'll I am going so-

Aha! I knew it. You had to see me.

There's plenty of other guys that I could go to see, don't get cocky now.

Hmm, but you haven't moaned any of their names.

Pedro! Okay I'm hanging up.

No, no- dont.

Okay, so what did you need?

I just wanted to see if you were coming is all. Now that I know you are, I'll play even better.

Okay, well I'll be the judge of that.

Are you bringing your little French boy?

I'm not. And don't be rude, he has a name.

Yeah yeah whatever.

I'm not having this conversation with you right now.

Fine I'll see you after?

Buena suerte Pedro. Bye.

Adiós, ill take that  as a yes 😏

I roll my eyes and hang up. I'm not sure why I continue to put myself in these situations. But pedri makes it hard to resist. Don't judge me, you would do the same.

Sofia walks out ready, and finishes up her hair. We grab our bags and head out the door. We head down to the front of the hotel to grab our ride. The boys called an Uber for us to meet them.

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