chapter 33

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a few months later.

It had been weeks since I had last seen Charles. He was back to tracing because of the races. I'm due in a few weeks, so we thought it was best that I don't travel too much. However, the British Grand Prix was this weekend, so I decided to fly to London. That way I could spend some time with Christian, and watch him play as well as stay for the race with Charles.

Pedri and the Barcelona boys have kept me company, but I can tell that it's a bit weird. Obviously with Pedri and I's past, I get why he'd feel a bit awkward. But we still are very close and get along well. In fact he offered to drive me to the airport this morning.

I finished packing my bag, and walked over to the kitchen to make myself a quick breakfast. I drink my smoothie and take a seat on the couch to wait for Pedri to arrive.

I am so ready for this baby to come out. I feel so tired everyday, and it sucks to be alone. But I don't blame Charles. It's hard on him too, being away. Charles and I decided we would find out the gender together after this Grand Prix, I was so excited.

I hear my doorbell ring and I grab my bag, assuming it's Pedri.
"You look excited" he says sarcastically.
"Buenos días Pedro. Sorry im so tired" I sigh. He smiles and pulls me into a gently hug.
"I know. But you're doing great, and you look great. Just a few more weeks" he says. I nod my head and try to think positively like him. He's been so supportive, I feel so bad I don't know how he does it.

He grabs my bag and carry's  it out to the car. I wobble behind, and walk around to get inside. He gets in and makes sure we have everything. He drives away and heads to the airport.

"Gracias Pedro, for taking me. I really appreciate it" I smile as I turn to look at him.
"It's no problem, I'll always be here for you. For anything, I promise" he replies.

We play some music and he gives me a mini tour of certain places around Barcelona that we pass. Even though I've lived here for awhile I haven't gone out much, especially since the pregnancy.

We arrive at the airport, and he gets out to grab my bag. I slowly try and get out, and he walks around and grabs my arm to help me up. I smile to thank him, and shit the door behind me.

"I'll walk you" he says. I nod and we walk inside. I check in for my flight and check in my bag, so I won't have to carry or pull it around. We walk up to the security entrance, where he can no longer pass.

"Well, thanks again Pedro. I owe you for next time" I smile.
"You don't. I told you, im always only one call away. No matter what you need I'll be there for you" he smiles back. I pull him into a hug , and he sighs and rubs my back.
"Have a safe flight princesa. Let me know when you get there. Have fun, and tell Christian and Charles that I say good luck " he says. We pull away from our hug.
"I will. I'll see you soon, behave" I joke. We both laugh, and I begin to walk away. We wave to each other as I enter the security entrance.

I then walk towards my gate and take a seat to wait for my flight to begin boarding.

Charles 💗

good morning baby, im at the airport. I'll be on my way soon !

good morning mon amour 💗 im so excited, I can't wait to see you

me too!! I've missed you so so much.

have a safe flight love, I'll be waiting for you at the airport

thanks baby, okay. I love you 💗

I love you too💗💗

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