chapter 17

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a few days later.

Today was an exciting day, it was the champions league final! I had flown in last night to London. Christian had been cleared to play, which was exciting within itself. Since the breakup with Charles I finally felt in a good place.

Pedri and I had been hanging out a lot more. I try to play it safe with him, I really really like him but I don't want to be hurt. I try not to get too attached. But whenever I'm with him everything else goes away. It's always a good time with him.

Christian and I had just had breakfast and we're getting ready to head off to the stadium.
"I have a gift for youu" I smiled walking over to Chris with a small bag.
"You don't have to. You're so sweet" he smiled grabbing the bag.

He opened the gift to reveal a small football. It was signed with messages from our old friends, who we played when we were around 4-5 years old. They were encouraging messages for today.

"Aw kiddo, this is so cool. Thank you" he said hugging me.
"Of course. I'm so proud of you for making it this far. And I'm glad you brought me along" I replied.

He set the gift on the counter as we continued to get ready.

We grabbed all of our things and walked out the door. I pulled out my phone to see some messages from Pedro.

Pedro 🙄🫶

holaa guapa

buenos días pedro

where are you? I miss you...

Christian and I are on our way to the stadium for the match.

how exciting, with him luck for me. I'll be going over to Gavis house to watch it.

I will.

Okay, I'll let you go. I can't wait to see you again. My lips and my... miss you.


I blushed at his message and set my phone down as we entered the stadium.

We walked inside and like always I wished good luck to Chris and hugged him, then walked over to my seat. Sofia and everyone else were already there.

We took our seats and got ready for the match to begin.


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champions league day 💙💙
user1: my fav wags <3
    Delaney.Lopez: I'm not a wag...yet 😫
    pedri: 🤔
cmpulisic: let's gooo
Sofiaaemelia: my girls 💗


The game began and I was so nervous. All I wanted in life was for the team to win today. I know how much it meant to them and how hard they worked.

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