chapter 34

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a few weeks later.

My due date was two days ago, so the baby could be coming any day now. Because of this, Charles and I decided that it would be best I stay for a few weeks with him in Monaco. There aren't any races coming up, but he's been training with the team here.

And as for Pedri, I hadn't seen him in awhile. I don't plan to either. He completely decided that it was best we stop being friends, which really hurt. But I had no other choice, I couldn't force him. The truth is I miss he and the Barcelona boys, and hanging out with them. But pedri told me we both should move on with our own lives. If that's what he wants, then fine. I don't even want to think about it because it makes me upset.

This morning Charles was getting ready to head to his training. We had just eaten breakfast and I was watching tv in the living room. Suddenly I felt the worse pain, but I let it go. The doctors had explained sometimes it was false contractions. I took a deep breath and tried to relax. But then again, the same pain. I called Charles name and he came running.

"What's wrong?" He says as he was putting his shirt on.
"I think it's time. I don't feel good" I say as I'm holding my stomach. His eyes widen and he helps me up slowly.
"Oh my, okay. Let's go love" he says. He grabs the car keys and the hospital bag we had packed and he helps me slowly out of the apartment. We take the elevator down to the lobby and make it to the car.
"Take deep breaths love, we'll be there soon" he says as he gets into the car. I nod and take a sip of water as we drive off.

We make it to the hospital and the nurses help me onto a wheel chair, with Charles walking beside me. He holds my hand tight as we're walked into a room.

They have me change into a gown and the doctor walks into check me.

"He's halfway here. He's coming fast" the doctor smiles as he looks at us.
He had the nurses get everything ready as he walks out of the room.
"I'm so excited princess. Take deep breaths, I'm here for you. I love you" Charles says as he continues to hold my hand.
"I love you too baby" I say with tears in my eyes. The pain gets worse as we get prepared.

The doctor walks back in and it's time to start pushing. The pain is almost unbearable, and I want to give up so badly.
"You're almost there, you're doing great" Charles says, I can now see the tears in his eyes.

A few minutes later we hear the doctor cheer and crying coming from the baby. He passes him to us, as I told him in my arms. Charles and I kiss, and we're both crying by now.

"My beautiful boy" I say as I kiss his cheek.
"He's perfect" Charles smiles, as he rubs his head gently. We sit there for a moment, and it's one I'll never forget. Immediately all of our problems go away.

The nurse takes him to get him cleaned up and weigh him and such. Charles and I face each other, and it feels like time freezes. I couldn't have chosen anyone else to be here with now. I'm so happy, and I can't wait for our new life as parents. They bring the baby back, and I hand him to Charles so he can hold him.

"So what would you like fínjame him?" The nurse smiles. Charles and I look at each other and smile back.
"Marc Leclerc Lopez" Charles says, and I nod. The thought of naming him after Charles was perfect, and I'm so glad we agreed. 


A few days later.
We're back at Charles' apartment, and he took some days off to spend with Marc and I. Charles mother and siblings came over yesterday, and were the first we told, and we're the first to meet him. They were all so kind and supportive of us. Unfortunately Charles' father never got to meet Marc, and I know it upset Charles.

I wake up to the sound of Marc crying. I get up slowly and realize Charles isn't in bed. I walk over to the crib and pick him up.
"Buenos días, my beautiful boy" I whisper as I rub his face, calming himself down. He calms down for a hug, and I set him down to change his diaper. I change him into his clothes for the day, and then walk to the living room.

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