chapter 39

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a week later.
Life has gone by so slow without Charles. Marc and I visit him everyday. The hospital where he's at is about half an hour away, and we make sure to make time to go. Arthur had to return back home to keep training, since he is racing in F2. Charles mother has been so helpful this past week, but it's also been so hard on her as well. She has decided to go back home to be with her family, which I understand.

So today we were taking her back to the airport after visiting Charles. There's still no sign of when he'll wake up.

I wake up and walk over to wash my face. I change out of my pjs, and get ready for the day. I walk over to the kitchen where Marc is already awake and with his grandmother.
"Morning" I say and give a small smile to Marc. He crawls over to me and asks me to pick him up.
"He already had some breakfast, I left you some oats in the kitchen. You should eat" Mrs. Leclerc says to me. I smile and nod.
"Thank you" I say.
I set Marc down so he can go back to his grandma. I walk over to the kitchen and eat in silence. I keep feeling guilty about how the last days I had with Charles went. It was my fault that he was upset.

I finish breakfast and walk over to the living room. I watch as Marc plays with his grandma, and I let them enjoy their last few moments together. He even learned to call her "Mimi" in the time she's been here. Once she leaves it'll just be Marc and I, so it's nice he has some company for now.


We were now heading off the the hospital to see Charles before she had to leave. It was a cold and rainy day, just how my heart felt. A million thoughts ram through my head as I drove.

We got there eventually and I took Marc out of his car seat and carried him, blocking the rain from his face. We quickly walked inside, and checked in. We walked over to his room and quietly walked in. Of course Charles laid in the same position he'd be in a week.

"Papa!" Marc yelled as he smiled. I sighed, because it broke my heart knowing Charles wouldn't respond. I walked over and carefully sat Marc on the bed. He grabbed Charles hand, as if he knew, and carefully kissed it. It might've just been a coincidence but Marc was always gentle, and he seemed to somehow understand the situation.
"Say buenos días papa. We came to see you again, we miss you so much" I say to Marc. He stares at Charles and makes a confused face.
"He's sleeping mi amor. He'll wake up soon, I'm sure he misses you too" I say and kiss Marc's cheek.

"Let's let your mémé say bye to papa" I say and grab Marc. We walk over and out to the hallway, so she can have her space.

She walks out after a few minutes and let's us back inside. I give her a tight hug as we cry.
"My beautiful boy, I wish you could just wake up. We miss you" she says, as we're standing next to Charles.
She kisses his forehead and steps back.
"Okay amor, time to say goodbye to papa. Say, we'll be back tomorrow. We have to take mémé to the airport" I say wiping my tears. I set Marc down back on the bed and he carefully crawls up to Charles.
"Papa" he says again and kisses his cheek.
"We'll be back Charles. If you can hear me, please know that we all love and miss you. Keep fighting, we know you're strong" I say and kiss Charles cheek.

I grab Marc and we walk out the door. We get into the car and drive off towards the airport.


When we arrive, I grab Marc once again and we walk inside with his grandmother to help her check in. Once she's all set, it's time to say goodbye. I hand Marc over to her so she can say goodbye to him. I watch as she tears up, causing me to tear up. Marc kisses her cheek, as he waves and says, "Mimi".
"I'll miss you my little prince. Behave and take care of your mommy" she says. She pulls me into a hug and kisses my forehead.
"Thank you for everything. I know technically you and Charles are no longer together, so you shouldn't have to go through all of this but you are. And I appreciate that. I know deep down you both love each other even if it's as the best of friends. Stay strong for Charles, and stay strong for Marc. He needs your strength" she says to me. I wipe my tears and nod.
"I won't leave Charles alone. I'll do my best to stay strong. I appreciate you and your family for still treating me like part of the family" I say.

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