chapter 18

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a week later.

Delaney POV
"Come on pleaseee" pedri whined as I sat at my desk finishing my makeup.

It was close to lunchtime, and pedri had agreed to take me out for lunch. He had slept over, like he has multiple times recently. Obviously we were both very attracted to each other, so we had been sleeping with each other. Deep down I wanted to be more than just a "fling", but I couldn't bring myself exactly to let him know. But the sex was so amazing, and I enjoyed hanging out with him, so I didn't want to ruin that.

At the moment he was trying to convince me to go with him to one of the last Barcelona matches before the World Cup. I wasn't sure if I should go or not, I didn't want people to assume we were dating.

"I don't know Pedro. What will people think?" I replied
"Who cares? Can't you just come? Please" he said as he sat up from the bed to look at me.
"Okay. Fine" I said giving in. He smiled now as I finished up.

We were both ready, so I grabbed my purse and walked out behind pedri. We got into his car as he drove off towards town.

We arrived at the restaurant and were seated.
The waiter till our drink orders and walked away.
"So, excited for the World Cup?" I smiled as I set my phone down.
"Of course! It was always one of my dreams to play with La Selección. I'm really happy they gave me a chance" he smiled. I could tell what he was saying was genuine, it was very cute when he got excited and happy about futbol.
"You're going right?" He asked
"Yeah. It's my first ever World Cup in person. I'm so happy I get to be alongside Christian" I replied
"It must be cool, growing up with your best friend and seeing him get to this top level" he said
"Yeah, it's like you and Fernando" I smiled. He nodded and grabbed my hand under the table.

The waiter came back with our drinks and he smiled at me, before taking our order. He was really nice and a bit flirty, and I could tell pedri was getting annoyed. But pedri jealous was lowkey hot. The waiter smiled before walking away. I felt as pedris hand tightened a bit.
"What's wrong?" I smiled
"Nothing. Just the service is weird " he said with his jaw clenched
"Aww is Pedri jealous?" I laughed
"Of course" he replied, catching me off guard.
"That's cute. But actually I think we need to talk" I sighed letting go of his hand. He looked confused.
"About?" He asked
"Well, I don't know. I was just thinking, what are we? What are we doing? I really really like you Pedro. And you're so sweet and I love spending time with you. But I don't want to keep getting used to this if we're just messing around" I replied looking down.
"Hey, princesa. I really like you too. I just, like to take things slow. You know? I hope that's okay" he said grabbing my hand once again. I smiled and nodded.
"Good. I promise I'll never hurt you" he smiled leaning over to kiss me across the table.
"I know" I replied, feeling better.

They brought our food out and we began to eat. Pedri was being more affectionate, causing the waiter to back off a bit. I trusted pedri, and I believed everything he said.

We finished and he drove me back home.
"So I'll pick you up tomorrow to go to the match?" He smirked.
"Yes Pedro. I'll be ready" I smiled.
"Nos vemos princesa"
"Nos vemos Pedro" i said kissing his cheek. I walked inside as he waved from his car.


the next morning.

I got up early and walked to the kitchen to make myself a coffee. I scrolled through Instagram for a bit.
"Shit" I said to myself as I began to see pictures of pedri and I at lunch yesterday. I assume a fan took them, and they were beginning to spread. We had gone out many times and no one had ever done that before. I shook it off to not let it ruin my day.

Incoming call: Captain America 💙

heyy Chris

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