chapter 4

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Delaney pov
We finally got back to the house, and had to prepare for the party. We packed away all of our things into the rooms, to lock them up during the party. Kai and Christian went out to buy the drinks, and Sofia and I stayed to order some food. Since joao lived in Spain previously, he had a friend that could get us a DJ last minute.


Closer towards the afternoon, the pizza got here and we each ate some so we were fed before the party began. I walked upstairs after eating to get ready. I showered and changed into my outfit and did my hair and makeup.

I kept hearing the doorbell ring, and no one answer.
"Is anyone going to get that?" I yelled as I walked out of the room. No one replied, so I walked towards the door.

I opened the door, and completely froze. To my surprise, Carlos Sainz. THE CARLOS SAINZ stood at the door. He smiled, and I realized I had just been starting at him.
"Hello" he finally said
"Sorry, um hello" I laughed
"Sorry I came early, my old friend Joao Felix invited me. Am I at the right house?" He said nervously
"Oh, yes. Yeah you are. Sorry I just couldn't believe it was you" I replied blushing
"It's just me" he shrugged
"Sorry, come on in, I'm Delaney. It's nice to meet you" I said shaking his hand, and moving over so he could walk inside.
"You too" he smiled

I led him to the living room, and we sat down. Just then Christian walked in, "hey, do you mind helping me-" he said not realizing Carlos was in the room.
"What the fuck" he smiled going over to Carlos
"Very nice to meet you, Christian Pulisic" he said putting his hand out
"Nice to meet you, I'm Carlos" he replied
"I'm guessing you met Delaney" Christian replied walking back over to me
"We met. And I'm here because of Christian" I laughed
"Ah, are you two-?" Carlos began to say
"No" Christian and I said in sync. We laughed as we looked at each other
"No we're just really good friends" I replied smiling, and Christian nodded.
"Oh, yeah I get it" Carlos smiled

Christian walked away to finish getting ready, and Carlos and I continued talking. He was really sweet and easy to talk to so far. Then Mason walked over, and sat next to me.
"Mason, this is Carlos. Carlos this is Mason. Not sure if you've heard of each other" I laughed. Mason smiled and they shook hands, "nice to meet you" he said.
"Is this your boyfriend?" Carlos asked
I shook my head and laughed, "hell no" I said
"I actually don't have a boyfriend" I said
"Yeah, not surprising" Mason said laughing at his own joke.
"You're annoying" I replied smacking him
"How come? You're a beautiful young lady" Carlos smiled, "not that I'm hitting on you. I'm just curious" he laughed
"Well, just haven't found the right person yet"I shrugged
"I'm sure you will" he replied.


A few hours later, everyone came back downstairs and the DJ had set up. Slowly guests became to arrive, and the party had officially begun.


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flawless 🥱
user1: you're so pretty!
user2: started following for your behind the scenes Chelsea content :))
    masonmount:came to the right place 💙
cmpulisic: shoutout to me for this pic

Sofia and I laughed and danced all night with the guys. I was so happy that we had all gotten close and we're having a good time. I got to meet so many new people, and I'm pretty sure there were a few that weren't even invited. But we all had a good time either way.

delaneylopez posted on their story: look who I ran into

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delaneylopez posted on their story: look who I ran into

"Let's dance" Carlos smiled putting his hand out. I smiled and nodded, putting my hand into his. We walked over to the main dance floor and began to dance. Not in a flirty or sexual way, but we were having a good time. I could tell this was the beginning of a new friendship.

"Hey, you're stealing my man" joao laughed walking over.
"Sorry" I shrugged


Before I knew it I think I had too many drinks. I was starting to feel dizzy.
"let's get you to your room" I heard carlos say.
"BYE CHRIS" I yelled. He shook his head and laughed
Carlos carried me up the stairs and into the room I slept in.
He sat me on the bed, and helped me get my shoes off.
"Alright, it's time for you to go to bed" he laughed. I rolled my eyes and laid down.
"Goodnight carlos, it was nice meeting you" I smiled
"Buenas noches, likewise. I think we'll be seeing each other soon" he laughed as he covered me with the blanket. I closed my eyes and heard the door shut, so I assume he walked out.

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