chapter 10

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Delaney POV
I woke up early like usual to go on my run. It was nice and sunny out, a perfect day for the Grand Prix.

I grabbed my AirPods and headed outside. Running helped me clear my head and focus. I tried to clear out all the negative thoughts I had about Charles and Charlotte, especially since today would be one of the first times the fans would see us together. I had to prepare myself for any comments.

I ran back inside once I finished and headed over to the kitchen. I made us all some oatmeal with fruit, and sat down to eat.
"Buenos días, everything okay?" Gavi said walking over. I smiled and nodded.
"Buenos dias. Yeah, just a few things on my mind" I responded
"I can tell" he said
"Grab a plate, I made breakfast for eveyone" I said.
"You always wake up early?" He said sitting next to me.
"Yeah, to go on my run. And today I have to go with Charles to the Grand Prix so I want to be ready" I smiled
"Oh right. That's today. That'll be fun I bet" he replied
"Yeah, I'm so excited" I smiled
"Thanks for picking us up yesterday, and for letting us stay here, and for breakfast" he laughed
"Anytime. Im glad you're all able to get along outside of the field" I smiled
"Me too. I owe you now whenever you go to Barcelona". He replied.

We heard a door close and out walked pedri.
"Buenos dias" he said rubbing his eyes.
"Buenos dias" Gavi and I replied.
He took a seat next to Gavi and smiled, "that looks good" he said looking at the food.
"Let me serve you some" I said trying to be nice. I handed him his plate and walked over to finish up my food.

"So, you model for Ferrari now?" Pedri said as he began to eat.
I laughed, "no I'm just dressed to support my boyfriend" I replied.
"Hmm" he laughed as he continued to eat.

"It must be weird dating long distance right? I mean you and Charles just rarely see each other" Gavi said as I began to clean up our plates.
"It's definitely hard. He's constantly traveling for races and such, I travel for my modeling jobs and when I'm out with Christian. But we make it work" I replied
"I thought you would've moved in with him already" he said
"I mean, he's only rarely home in Monaco, unless he has a break, so it wouldn't make sense at the moment. We're still early on in our relationship either way" I smiled. Gavi nodded as we turned to see Charles walking out of the room.

"Good morning everyone" he said yawning. He walked over to the counter and placed his arms around me.
"And good morning beautiful" he said kissing my lips.
"hey love" I smiled.

Gavi POV
I looked over as Pedri rolled his eyes at Charles and Delaney. He looked annoyed and I shoved him slightly so no one would notice. I raised my eyebrow, confused as to what his problem was. He shook it off, and didn't say anything.

Delaney POV
Charles finished up eating and went off to get ready while everyone else woke up. They were all very hungover, and clearly not in the mood to do anything.

"So when do you guys fly back to Spain?" I said to Gavi as we all sat in the living room while they played fifa.
"Tonight actually. So I guess this is the last time you'll see us in sometime" he replied pouting.
"Well it was fun hanging out with you all at least. We'll see each other soon when I go to visit" I replied.

Charles walked out of the room, so I knew it was time to go. I got up to say goodbye to the Barcelona boys since they'd be gone before Charles and I got back.

I hugged Gavi, "keep in touch, have a safe trip" I said.
"Thanks, behave yourself and thank you for breakfast" he smiled.
I then walked over to give Ferran and pedri a hug.
"It was nice hanging out with you all, we'll do it again sometime soon" I smiled as I hugged Ferran.
I then hugged pedri, who placed his arm on my waist.
"I'll miss you" he whispered so no one else heard. I pretended to not hear and let go quickly.

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