chapter 30

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a few weeks later.

Today is the day of the Grand Prix for Charles. It'll be my first time back on the track in awhile, and I'm a bit nervous. But I'm trying to stay positive for Charles.

I've been happier than ever. Charles and I are in a great place in our relationship. I've visited Christian a few days not too long ago, and pedri and the Barcelona boys have become my friends once again. The night that pedri went to apologize, I spoke with Charles about it.


"Soo...I have to tell you something" I say nervously to Charles as we're in our bed watching tv.
He raises his eyebrow and turns to face me.
"Yes, my love?" He replies.

I explain to him what happened yesterday with Pedri coming here drunk, and what happened earlier today when he came to apologize. I can't really read his facial expressions so far, but he stays silent.

"Hmm I see" is all he says eventually.
"Wha-" I begin to say before he interrupts me.
"Well, I'm glad he apologized. And I'm glad he's respectful of our relationship. Of course I'm not thrilled that you two are friends because of your past, but I trust you my love. And all I ask is that you continue to be honest with me. I won't forbid you to be friends with someone. I trust you" he smiles. I smile back, not expecting that response. But I'm glad.

"That means a lot Charles. I love you" I say kissing his cheek.

Present time:

I've hung out with Pedri, Gavi, and Ferran a few times here and there. Sometimes even Charles tags along, but he's been very busy these past few weeks with training. So far Pedri has kept up to his word, and he's been respectful of Charles and I. It felt weird in the beginning, but we're okay now.

Charles and I are woken by his alarm, 6:30am. The race is at noon, so we have to head out soon. He turns over and gives me a kiss, like always. It's my favorite way to wake up.
"Ready for today baby?" I smile as I caress his face.
"I'm so ready. Especially knowing you'll be by my side" he replies. I blush as he kisses my cheek and we get up.

We both start getting ready for the day. I carefully choose an outfit, and start doing my hair and makeup. I then walk over to make us both smoothies for our drive to the track. There's always a buffet of food on the paddock, so we don't have to eat beforehand.

We make sure we both have everything we need, and head out the door. Charles drives, and we make our way to the track which is half an hour away.


We eventually arrive, and are immediately greeted by fans who crowd around. Charles signs autographs and takes a few photos, before we park the car. He walks over to open my door and holds my hand. He pulls me close, so that he can lead the way through the crowd.

We make it to the paddock, and walk over to the Ferrari building. There are a few people here already, including Carlos. Before grabbing breakfast we walk over to greet Carlos.
"Hola Carlitos" Charles smirks as he does his handshake with him.
"Sir Perceval, nice to see you" Carlos jokes back.
"Buenos días Carlos" I smile giving him a hug, he kisses me cheek and smiles back.
"Buenos días señorita" he replies.

We catch up for a bit, before walking away towards the buffet to eat some food. I grab myself some pancakes with a side of fruit and walk over to a small table. Charles sits in front of me and we begin to eat.

"I missed the paddock days" I smile taking a bite of my food.
"It missed you too, I'm sure" he winks causing me to laugh.

A few of the engineers and mechanics walk over to greet us, and I can't believe they remember me. They're all very sweet and make me feel included all the time.

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