chapter 35

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a few months later. (Sorry for all the time skipping, but I'm trying to get to the Pedri part...since this is a pedri story ;)

Today was  our last day in Monaco before the Australian  Grand Prix. Unfortunately Ferrari hasn't had a great run this season. The car has just been unreliable. Of course this sucks, and Charles hasn't been in the best mood because of it. Which I understand. Now that Marc is a bit older (8 months) , we're able to travel with him. So this is the second Grand Prix that he'll get to go to.

I haven't been back to my home in Barcelona, but I hope I get a chance to go soon.I miss it, and my friends who I haven't seen in almost a year.

I wake up early so I get a chance to go on my morning run. I make myself a protein shake and change into my running clothes and head out the door.

It's chilly out, and the sounds of cars increases, as more people are heading to work. Monaco is so luxurious and beautiful, but everyone seems to be in their own world. No one really talks to each other on this block.

I finish my run and head back into the apartment. Both Marc and Charles are still asleep, so I make my way into the shower to get out of my sweaty clothes. I change into an outfit that'll be comfortable to travel in, since it'll be a long flight to Australia. I straighten my hair and head back into the room.

We packed last night, but the flight is in 2 hours and the boys need to get ready. I walk over and place a kiss on Charles lips.
"Wake up baby" I say, he smiles and yawns.
"Good morning mon amour" he replies. He gets up and walks over to the bathroom to get ready.

I walk over to Marc's crib, and slowly begin to wake him up. He opens his eyes eventually, and smiles as he looks up at me.

"Good morning handsome boy" I coo, as he gets himself up. He puts his arms out for me to carry him, and I pick him up. I lay him on the bed so I can change his diaper first.

I then choose his outfit, and make sure he's all set. Charles walks out of the bathroom changed, and he finishes styling his hair.

"Good morning" Charles smiles kissing Marc's cheek. Marc giggles and smiles back.
"Pa pa" he says. He's been saying a few things he and there, and Charles likes to show off that papa was his first word.

"Let's go have some breakfast so we can leave" Charles says picking Marc up. We walk into the kitchen and he sets Marc down on the high chair. We decide to just eat something simple since we don't have too much time.

I make some pancakes while Charles sets all of our bags near the entrance. I then begin to serve our plates and sit down next to Marc so start feeding him.

We finish eating, and Charles watches Marc while clean up the kitchen. Before we know it, it's time to head out. We call for our driver and head downstairs with Marc in his car seat and the luggage. We get into the car and drive off towards the airport.


As soon as we arrive, we head through security and are then walked over to our gate. Of course Charles has his own private plane, so we don't have to wait much. The attendants take our luggage so all we need to carry is Marc and our small backpacks and diaper bag.

We get onto the plane along with Charles' agent and a few of his trainers.


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Delaney.Lopez posted on their story: daddy...😏😍

Charles shakes his head and laughs at my post.
"What? You're hot" I wink pack. We take turns holding Marc so we don't get tired. He's a pretty calm baby, so we're not too worried about any tantrums.

charles_leclerc✈️ ➡️🇦🇺829,826 likes user1: aww he's so cute Delaney

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✈️ ➡️🇦🇺
user1: aww he's so cute
Delaney.Lopez: future pilot 🤔
    carlossainz55: future driver you mean....


We finally arrive in Australia, and immediately feel the nicer weather. A driver picks us up from the airport, to take us to our hotel.

When we get to the hotel, we check into our room and set all of our things down. Today is media day, so Charles still has to go down to the track.

"Want to come with me princess?" Charles says to me.
"Well, Marc just went down for his nap" I pout.
"I could ask my mum to watch him. I feel like we haven't had a day to ourselves" he says walking over to me. He places his hand over mine.
"That's perfectly fine with me, if she's available" I smile. He grabs his phone to call her, luckily she's in the same hotel and is already here. Since Arthur has his race as well, she came to watch.

We wait a few minutes and hear a knock at the door. Charles opens the door and lets his mom inside. They hug each other and then she walks over to me.
"Hello darling, how are you?" She smiles. I get up to hug her, "I've been good, thank you" I reply.
"Awh and there's my seeet grandson. He's so adorable" she says, causing Charles and i to laugh.
"Thanks for watching him. We really appreciate it" I say
"Well you and Charles need time to yourselves, that's important in a relationship"  she says looking at us with a serious look. We nod.
"Thanks mama. We should head out now, we'll see you soon" charles says kissing her cheek. I wave goodbye as we walk out.

We take an Uber over to the track, and go through security to get inside. We first walk over to the Ferrari building to greet Carlos and the mechanics. Charles has a few media videos to film, before we can hang out around.

"I'll walk around in the meantime. Just call me when you're done" I say to Charles.
"Okay princess. Thank you" he kisses my lips and walks back into the room where they're going to film.

I walk out and towards the paddocks. I missed walking around. A few of the other drivers, like Lando, see me and we catch up for a bit. It's been a long time since I've been able to just walk around.

As I'm walking I hear a very familiar voice, I look over and see Pedri and his brother Fernando. I pause, confused.
"Pedro?!" I say louder so he can hear. They stop and look at me. Pedri smiles as I lightly jog over to them. I pull them both into a hug.

"What are you doing here?" I say confused.
"We for free passes to come" Fernando replied.
"I've missed you both so much" I say, looking especially at pedri. He smiles and pulls me into another hug.
"I know me too. It's been so long" he replies. I'm so caught in the moment that I forget I was upset with him. We catch up on everything so far, and I show them pictures of Marc since they haven't met him.

Charles POV
I walk out to the paddock,  because that's usually where Delaney is. I ask the mechanics and they point outside. I see her hugging and smiling and laughing with...Pedri. What the fuck. He said he would stay away, what is he doing? Immediately I get annoyed at the fact. What is he even doing here?

Delaney POV
I say goodbye to Fernando and pedri, and walk back to the paddock. I'm so glad I got to catch up and see them. I see Charles sitting down outside and I smile and walk up to him.
"Hey baby" I say. He looks up at me, and he looks annoyed.
"What's wrong?" I say sitting next to him.
"I can tell something's wrong, please tell me" I say.
"Nothing! Okay? Just stop asking!" He rolls his eyes.
"Charles what the fuck, can you relax?" I say now getting annoyed.
"It's just- ugh never mind. Im sorry, im sorry princess" he sighs and runs his hand through his hair. I nod and smile.
"It's okay, I get you're stressed. But I have faith still in the team" I reply. I mean my head on his shoulder, and try to help him calm down. I wonder what happened.

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