Chapter 52

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After sometime of us catching up and spending time with Marc, I set him down so he can play around.

"I'm really happy you're back with us. You don't know how much we've missed you, how much I've missed you" I say as Charles grabs my hand.
"I'm sorry that i left you both alone. I left you alone to take care of Marc. I can't imagine going through that if it were the other way around" his eyes water.
"Charles, it's okay. You were gone for so long, I couldn't imagine going through all of that. I'm just glad you're back with us" I wipe his tears and give him a small smile.
"Mama! Mama!" Marc runs over to my side.
"Yes amor? What's wrong?" I lift him up and place him on my lap.
He lays his head on me and yawns, "are you tired? It's late for you" I kiss his head as he nods.
"You should take him home, so you can both get a good rest. I know the sofa here isn't really comfortable" Charles says.
"I don't want to leave you though" I whisper as I try and rock Marc to sleep.
"I'll be okay. Just a phone call away" he smiles.
"I don't know I-"
"I'll be fine. I promise" he replies.
"Okay. Only because you promise" I smile.
"Say goodnight to your papa Marc. We'll come back tomorrow to pick him up" I say. Marc lifts his head up and crawls over to Charles.
"Night night papa" Marc kisses Charles and hugs him.
"Goodnight Marc. I love you"
"We'll be back first thing tomorrow then. Please call me if you need anything" I say as I lean over to give him a hug. He nods and kisses my cheek.
"I will. Arthur will be back to stay with me, I'll be okay" he reassures me. I nod and grab my bag with Marc in my other arm.

We wave goodbye as we walk out the room. We walk down to the lobby to call an uber. I pause as I notice pedris car is still outside. We walk out and I knock on the window. He wakes up and smiles, opening the door.

"Pedro what are you still doing here?" I smile
"I figured you'd want to go home to sleep so I decided to wait so I could drive you home" he smiles back.
"You're so sweet" I reply as he gets out to open the door for me. I set Marc in the seat and walk around to sit upfront.
"Let's get you both home" he says as he drives off. It's about a 15 minute drive home, and I'm exhausted.

We get to the house and he helps me take Marc inside. He's already asleep, so Pedro carry's him into his room. I follow him and kiss Marc goodnight before we walk out and shut the door.

"Gracias por todo Pedro. Words can't explain how grateful I am for you" I smile as I walk over and stand in front of him, I lean into his arms and give him a hug.
"I'd do anything for you princesa. Always" I smile and look up to face him. He places a kiss on my lips, causing me to blush. He smiles and let's me go.
I yawn and look over st the time, 1:28 am.
"You need some sleep. It's been a long day" he says to me .
"I do. You do too. Why don't you stay over? So you don't have to drive home"
"Are you sure?" He smiles.
"Of course. Only if you feel comfortable with-"
"Yes yes. I do" he laughs.
I begin to walk towards my room and he follows me.
"I can sleep on the sofa or-"
"It's fine. You can sleep in my bed" I laugh. He shakes his head before taking a seat. I grab my clothes for bed and walk over to the bathroom.

When I return, I walk around to the other side and get into bed. He looks back before laying down. I feel like a teenager, like a first crush. My heart beats faster and I can't stop blushing. He turns to face me, and I turn to face him.
"Buenas noches princesa"
"Buenas noches Pedro" I say as I get closer and lean my head on his chest. He kisses my cheek before I fall asleep.

The next morning.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, I turn it off quickly and get up. I turn to look, and Pedro isn't in bed anymore. I walk over to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I walk out to the living room and find Pedro sitting on the sofa.
"Buenos dias" he smiles
"Buenos dias" I reply and walk over to sit beside him.
"I didn't want to wake you, I thought I'd just wait for you here"
"It's okay. I thought you had left to train already"
"I do have to, but I can wait until after I drop you two off at the hospital if you want"
"No, I don't want Xavi to get upset with you. We'll be okay" I smile at the thought of him thinking of us.
"You sure?"
"Yes. We'll be fine. Gracias"
"Okay. Well I hope it all goes well and Charles can come back home with you two. I know he must be so ready to leave" he laughs.
"Yeah I'm sure he is" I shake my head.
Pedro stands up to get ready to head out.
"Oh, and listen I know that things may change now. I don't want to pressure you, you know? I understand you'll be spending more time with Charles and trying to figure out how things will be with you two. But now that Charles is back, if you want to work things with him and be together again, i-"
"Pedro" I smile
"I don't. I like you. I want to be with you". He blushes and begins to smile.
"Really? I thought that things would change now that he's here but-"
"Charles will always be part of my life and I'll always love him as a friend. But that chapter of my life is over. I want to see where things with you and I go, if that's what you want"
"Yes yes. Of course. You don't know how happy this makes me" he pulls me in for a hug.
He lets go, and I kiss his lips.
"Adios princesa. Call me if  you need anything"
"Adios Pedro. Have fun" I smile as he walks out the door.

I squeal with joy and get excited. Im glad we're on the same page. I really do like him, and I want to be with him. He's been so amazing, and I see us working out. Im glad he understands the situation with Charles. And I'll do everything in my power so that he doesn't feel left to the side.

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