chapter 12

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the next morning.

Sofia and I went out last night, so this morning was a bit rough to wake up. But I had to go to my modeling gig, so I had to force myself up. I walked over to take a shower to refresh myself. I straightened my hair, and dressed into simple clothes that I could easily change out of. Charles looked so peaceful sleeping so I kissed his cheek, and decided to head out without waking him.

I made myself a quick smoothie for breakfast and walked out the door. I drove off to the site where the shoot would be at. I was so glad I got into modeling, anywhere I traveled i was able to have a few gigs.

When I arrived I met with my manager who introduced me to everyone.

"Hey Lena, long time no see" I smiled hugging her.
"You look great, ready?" She replied. I nodded and we walked over to the director.

He started explaining how it would be a bikini photo shoot. I hadn't done one yet, I was a bit nervous to be honest. I think Lena noticed because she gave me a reassuring look, and made sure I was comfortable and still wanted to do it. I calmed myself down and decided it was fine.

The stylist handed me the bikini I was to change to, and I walked over to the fitting room. Once I finished I walked back out to begin the shoot.


"You were great. Thanks again for coming short notice" they smiled as we waved goodbye.

I drove back home, happy and content with how it went. I arrived at the house and Charles was sitting in bed on his phone.

"Good morning baby" I smiled going over and hugging him. I sat in his lap and leaned over to kiss him.
"How'd it go?" He smiled putting his phone down.
"Good. I was surprised actually, it was a bikini shoot" I shrugged.
"Oh" he looked surprised.
"Yeah, but it went well" I smiled.
He smiled back, and didn't say anything.

We got up and Charles began to get ready. Christian was in the kitchen making some pancakes for breakfast.

"So the guys and I were going to go hiking, so I won't be home until late" Christian said sitting at the table.
"That's okay. Charles and I could use some alone time" I winked.
"You're so weird" Christian laughed.


It was almost mid day, and Charles and I had hung out the entire morning. Christian had left with joao already, so Charles and I played games and cuddled to pass the time. It was perfect, we hadn't been alone in a long time.

"Should we go out to eat?" Charles said getting up.
"You're hungry again?" I laughed. He nodded.
"Okay, sure let's go out" I smiled as his eyes lit up.

We were already ready, so we walked out and Charles drove. We drove into the main city part in Barcelona so we could walk around and choose a place.

We finally found a place that we both agreed on, so we parked and began to walk towards it.

We were stopped by a group of guys who stood in front of us.
"Hey, you're that model right? Can I get a picture?" One guy said.
"Um sure" I smiled. Charles nodded.

His friend grabbed his phone and we posed for a picture. He had his arm a little too close to my ass, but I did my best to shrug it off.

"Thanks" he winked. As he and his friends walked away.

I grabbed Charles hand again, and I could tell he was a bit tense but I tried to ignore it. We got to the restaurant and had to wait a few minutes for our table.

"What's wrong Mon amour" I poured facing Charles and putting my head in his chest.
"Nothing" he replied.
"Charles.." i said rubbing his hand.
"I'd rather not talk about it right now" he smiled. I sighed and nodded. The waitress called us over to be seated.

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