chapter 24

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the next morning.

I wake up the sound of a phone ringing. I quickly get up and remember what happened last night.
"Pedro! Wake up, your phone" I say tapping him.
He quickly gets up, startled and begins looking for his phone. He picks up the call as I begin to look for my clothes.

"Ya voy, ya voy!" He yells into the phone.
"Everything okay?" I ask as I slide my shorts on.
"It's Gavi. Breakfast is in 20 minutes and if I'm not there they'll punish me" he sighs as he rushes to grab his things.

We make sure we have our things and begin to walk out the door.
"So I'll see you-" I begin to say before running into someone.
"Sorry, - Charles?" I freeze as I look at him. He looks at me and then at Pedri and I can see disappointment in his eyes.

"Oh" is all he says before shaking his head.
"Charles I can explain" I grab his arm before he turns around.
"No need to explain. I'll see you around" he pulls his arm and begins to walk away.
"Ciao Charles" pedri smirks. I can tell he enjoyed that.

"I have to go" I say hugging pedri. He looks confused as I run to catch up to Charles.
"Charles please"
"You really don't have to explain anything. It's none of my business" he replies
"I just-"
"Hey, I really don't want to talk about it" he says firmly. He shakes his head as he walks away.

I know we're not together anymore but that felt wrong for him to see. I could tell he was hurt, but I didn't think he would care much. I turn around to see Pedri long gone, so I begin to walk to my room. As soon as I walk in Sophia shakes her head and looks at me.

"Rough night?" She asks sarcastically as she walks over and pokes my neck.
"Ow" I flinch as I realize pedri has left evidence of last nights events.
"Soph you won't believe what just happened" I sigh as I sit down and begin to tell her everything that occurred.

She smiles and shakes her head.
"What? Is that funny to you?"
"I mean, yes and no. You're so stuck in Pedri land that you haven't taken the time to realize that Charles still loves you" she replies
"Okay now you're just making up lies"
"I'm serious. I wouldn't want to be friends with my ex. I wouldn't invite them to go watch a match together. I wouldn't bring them dinner like he did the night before" she smokes after every sentence.
"That's just Charles being nice. And besides he's still caught up on Charlotte" I say as I get up to look for something to eat.
"You keep telling yourself that"

I start to overthink everything. She can't be right, there's no way. And if she is right why can't he just be honest. Besides I can't worry about that, I like pedri. At least I think I do.

Sophia and I decide to go out to the beach today. The players aren't able to see family and friends until tomorrow so we have the day to ourselves. We get changed to go out, and pack a small bag with our belongings that we'll need.

We head downstairs to the breakfast buffet to grab something to eat before heading out.


Eventually we finish and an Uber comes to pick us up and take us. I'm still getting used to the heat in Qatar considering it's winter. Not too long after we arrive at the beach and get off.

We set up a small blanket and make our way over to the water to cool off.


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soph is the best photographer 🫶
user1: prettyyy
sophiaaemelia: tyty 🫶🫶
    cmpulisic: I would have pushed her

Charles POV
I soon as I get back to my hotel room I slam the door. How could she have gone back to him? After he treated her so badly? It was so upsetting to see them together, and his smirk I just want to wipe off his face.

I tried my best to compose myself. I can't be upset, I wasn't honest with her. The truth is Charlotte and I broke up because I was still in love with Delaney. I couldn't get myself to move on. I miss her everyday. She was my best friend, she made me laugh, she was so kind, and always supporting me. I ruined what we had, but I wanted it back.

If I want her to be protected and away from Pedri, I was going to have to be honest with her.

Delaney POV
"Okay but seriously who would you choose?" Sophia laughs as we are back in an Uber on the way to the hotel.
"I'm not answering that" I reply. She's been bugging me to choose between Pedri and Charles.
"Well once Charles is honest with you, you're going to have to break someone's heart"

I roll my eyes as we finally arrive at the hotel. We get out and walk inside. Charles is in the lobby and looks up, we make eye contact but he still looks hurt. But he didn't want to talk, so I ignore him.

We get to our room and take turns showering to change into other clothes.
We sit on the bed to watch some tv before we go out to dinner. Obviously we're in Qatar and it is the World Cup so all that's on is World Cup news. Suddenly an interview with pedri from today appears.

"Turn it up" Sophia says. I do as she says and sit back.

"Besides your parents and brother, you don't have anyone else here to support you? A girlfriend? Anyone?" The reporter asks.
"No no. Of course not. I'm not looking to date at the moment. Just enjoy life, like any other 20 year old" pedri smiles.
"But what about the model you were seen with? We saw you hanging out back in Barcelona a few times. Is she your girlfriend?"
"No, she's not. We were just messing around, having fun. Nothing serious"
"Ah okay I see what you mean" the reporter smiles and they laugh together.

"Ew he's such a douche" Sophia rolls her eyes as she turns the volume down. His response caught me off guard and I'm not sure what to say.

I mean yes we're not dating and such but he shouldn't just talk about me as if I'm just any other girl. As if I'm his side bitch.
"What the fuck" is all I say. I turn the tv off and immediately text him.

Pedro 🙄

Fuck you Pedro Gonzalez.

I toss my phone as Sophia tries to calm me down. The thing with me is I'm always going to get mad first and then cry about it later. I swear life wants me to stay single why does this keep happening to me.
""Let's go out. Fuck him. Let's have fun" Sophia says getting up. I nod and grab my phone and put it in my pocket.

We head down to the lobby and decide to walk to the nearby club.

Immediately I try and ignore all my problems and we order our drinks. We dance together to the music and have a good time. I get lost in the moment and before I realize it we've both had too much to drink.


"Oye, you've had too much to drink. You should head back to your room" someone taps me. I turn around to see Carlos Sainz laughing behind me.
"Don't be a grandpa" I slur back
"You're being a child" he smirks back. I ignore him and go back to dancing.


"Delaney, let's get you two back to the room" I hear a very familiar voice say. I turn to see Charles. He still looks serious. But I'm still way past drunk and can't seem to compose my thoughts.

"Why are you being nice to me? You were mad at me" I whine
"I'm not mad at you. But let's just get you back safe, okay?"
"I don't deserve your kindness. I don't deserve anyone I'm just a side piece" I begin to tear up.
"You're not" he replies.
"I am"
"Hey, im being serious. You're not. Now let's go, please" he says wiping my tears.
"Fine" I reply. He grabs my arm and helps Sophia up from the chair. She hasn't had as much to drink as i, but Charles still helps lead the way.

We get to the hotel and take the elevator up to the room. Sophia goes straight to bed as I sit in the edge of mine.
"Charles?" I say as I see him walk towards the door.
"Can you stay with me please? I don't want to be sad and alone"
"I don't think that's a good idea" he replies.
"Pleaseee. Look I'll film this video as proof that I agree and accept and allow Charles Leclerc to sleep in my bed tonight. Just to sleep" I say filming. He laughs and walks over.
"Okay. Fine" he smiles. I put my phone down on the counter. We both get under the covers and I scoot next to him.
"Charles, do you still love me?"
"Yes of course I do Mon amour. I always will. But that's not important right now. Just get some rest" he kisses my forehead.
"Okay. Good night Charles"
"Good night princess"

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