chapter 42

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We arrive back home and pedri helps Marc inside. As soon as we enter they have everything set up. Marc's eyes light up and are filled with joy as he sees the balloons and decorations.
"This looks amazing. Thank you guys" I say hugging Christian and Mason.
"It's the least we could do. Anything for little man" Mason smiles and crouches down to be leveled with Marc. We all hang out around the house as we wait for the guests to arrive.


As soon as everyone begins to arrive we begin to serve them food and such. It's been so long since I've seen most of them so it's great to see them. It's mostly friends who have come. A few of the drivers that Charles was closest with are here. Carlos of course, Pierre, Lando, and a few of the mechanics that were closest with me. Joao and Kai and Sophia eventually arrived, and the Barcelona boys Ferran and sira , Eric, Gavi, those who are closest with me. Last to arrive was Arthur, unfortunately his mother couldn't come. But she would try and fly over another day.

At first Marc seemed overwhelmed with everyone here but eventually he warmed up. He was just like Charles, he was shy at first but once he warmed up to you he was the sweetest. Marc was most excited to play around with everyone, running around and playing with his toys. He rarely wanted to take a break and sit with me.

I grabbed his quickly so he could eat at least. I set him down in his high chair and served him a plate. I cut everything into tiny pieces and sat next to him.

"Are you having fun amor?" I say to Marc. He smiles and nods. He mumbles a few things as he pretends to speak and explain what he was doing. He begins to laugh as he notices Christian and Mason messing with each other.
"They're so silly, your tios" I say shaking my head. Marc same help but laugh, causing me to laugh.

I calm myself down as Arthur comes closer and sits across me.
"Thanks again for coming. I know you're always busy with training" I say
"Of course, I'll always make time for you two" he smiles.
"You know, his laugh is just like Charles. Contagious" Arthur sighs as he smiles and looks at Marc.
"They're so alike, it's incredible. I see Charles in him everyday" I reply.
Arthur nods. "You know, he's going to be okay" he says.
"What do you mean?"
"Marc. Even if Charles doesn't wake up. He's going to be okay. You're doing amazing as a mother. And I can see he has so many people that care for him, even when we're far away" Arthur says.
"But Charles is going to wake up. Of course Marc is going to be okay, especially once Charles is here" I begin to tear up a bit.
"Hey, you have to be realistic. Of course I want him to be here with us, and I know he's doing his best to fight to wake up. But once a year passes, we have to think if we can really keep him in his current state" Arthur says as he grabs my hand.
"I know. But I don't want to think of that. I have faith and I know Charles. He never quits. He'll be back with us soon"
Arthur nods, and I can tell he needed to hear that as well.

"So sorry to interrupt. But we have a gift for Marc, that we want to show him outside" Carlos says as he puts his hand on my shoulder. I wipe my tears and smile.
"Did you hear that Marc? Let's go see what your tios brought you" I say. Marc smiles and puts his arms out. I pick him up out of his chair.

Carlos leads the way outside to the back patio. Everyone else follows behind us, and I walk out to all of the drivers who came smiling. They move to the side and reveal a small car, a Ferrari car with the number 16 on it. Just like Charles. I set Marc down, who runs immediately over to check it out. His eyes light up and he smiles.

I can't help but  get emotional and tears form in my eyes.
"Aww. Hey it's okay" Carlos says. He pulls me into a hug and rubs my back.
"Gracias Carlos. I can tell he loves it so much" I say.
"Look, we're never going to leave you two alone. As long as Charles isn't here, you have all of us to help you, please don't hesitate to ask us for anything. Charles is our best friend, and we know he'd do the same for us" Carlos smiles. He wipes my tears. And I hug him one last time.

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