chapter 11

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A few weeks later.

Delaney POV
This morning I was out at breakfast with Sofia. We had just gone to the gym and met up again after getting ready.


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Delaney.Lopez posted on their story: fit for the day 😌

"So are you ready for a weekend in Barcelona?" Sofia said as we waited for our food.
"I am. I'm so excited" I smiled
"Me too. Is Charles still coming too?"
"Yeah, that's the plan. Finally I'll get to see him, it's felt like forever since I've seen him" I pouted.
"I know that must suck. But maybe one day youll travel with him more often. I'm so happy for you, he's been so great for you so far" she smiled.
"I am very happy with Charles. I love him. It's just hard" I replied. She nodded.
"Well I think it's worth the struggle, I see how he treats you. He's very kind" she said as my phone began to rang.

Charles 💗

hey baby, what's going on?

good morning my love. Nothing I just called to see how your morning was going. I'm at the office now.

It's been good so far, I'm out with Sofia for breakfast. I'm glad you called, we were just talking about you.

I hope good things. He laughs. That's great, tell her I said hello. I'll let you enjoy your time, I'll see you tomorrow mon amour.

I will. I can't wait. I love you.

Love you too beautiful.

I smiled and placed my phone down as Sofia smirked at me.
"Ugh you guys are too cute" she smiled.
"You and Chris need to chill. Charles and I are still fairly new in our relationship, you're going to jinx it" I said jokingly
"Well I'm just happy for you. From everything you and Chris have told me about your abusive ex, I just want someone good for you. And Charles is perfect for you"
"I know. I appreciate that" I smiled as the waitress brought out our food.

We began to eat and continued talking.

Eventually we finished up and it was time to head home. We said our goodbyes and I drove off to the house. Christian was outside working out when I arrived.
"Morning Chris" I smiled hugging him.
"How was breakfast?" He smiled.
"It was good, been out here for long?" I asked as he began to pack his things up.
"Sort of. But let's head inside in tired" he laughed.

We walked inside and hung out before getting ready for the flight we had soon.


It was time to head off to the airport. We met up with the team after passing through security and such.

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