chapter 16

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the next day.

Last night after returning, Chris got a call from his trainer. They wanted to check his progress and such, and run a few tests so he was going to return to London for the time being. I planned to stay in Barcelona, since I had a few things to get done here.

It was nearing the end of the season, and we would soon go on a short break before the Workd Cup began. This year, was a bit weird because it was in the winter since it was in Qatar. But we were all still excited, and hoped Chris would be able to join the USMNT. Chris packed a small backpack, since he had clothes back home. We got into the car and drove off to have breakfast at a small cafe nearby.


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Delaney.Lopez posted on their story: breakfast w my favorite 🫶

cmpulisic posted on their story: my best friend is better than yours 🥱

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cmpulisic posted on their story: my best friend is better than yours 🥱

We ate breakfast and then headed to the airport. I parked the car and helped him inside to check in.

"I'm going to miss you so much Chris" I pouted leaning on his shoulder.
"I know me too kiddo. But I'll be back soon, we'll see each other soon" he replied kissing my head.
"And please make smart decisions while I'm away" he laughed. I looked up at him in shock.
"Wow. I obviously am" I laughed.
"Okay okay. Just text me if anything happens. I'm one flight away" he smiled.

We hugged and said our goodbyes, before the person with the wheelchair came to help him.
"Adios Chris. Be safe" I said hugging him one last time.
"I will. See you soon kiddo" he smiled.

He got into the wheelchair and the aid took him towards the security. I waved before he went out of my sight. I already missed him, but I knew we would see each other soon.

I wiped my tears and walked back out to the car to drive home.

As soon as I got home, I began to cleanup around the house. I blasted some music in the meantime. Afterwards I went for a quick run to pass the time. I didn't realize how lonely it felt without Christian. But I knew we would be together again soon. I made myself a quick lunch after showering and getting changed.

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