chapter 15

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the next day

Chris and I both woke up and got ready for the day.

Chris and I both woke up and got ready for the day

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delaney.Lopez posted on their story: Christian helped pick my outfit 💙

Christian and I ate a quick breakfast before heading off to the training center once again.
I helped Christian inside and said hello to the trainers before heading back out to the car. The team wasn't at training today, which meant I didn't get to see pedri.

I pulled my phone out to text him, and just then I got a call. I smiled at the coincidence, as I noticed it was him.

Pedro Gonzalez ⭐️


holaa buenos días princesa

buenos días. I didn't expect a call from you this morning.

I needed to hear your voice.

I smiled and blushed.

You know I was just about to text you.

Oh yeah? What's up?

nothing, I was just head at the training center. I didn't know if you were around or not.

Oh I see, you wanted to see me. I could hear his smile through the phone.

It's not that it's just-

Mhmm save it princess. I know you miss me already. He laughed.


So, ready for the interview?

Oh, yeah I guess so. I'm going to grab breakfast and I'll be on my way to the office. I hope the press isn't too bad.

Why don't I come with you? For moral support.

Are you sure? I mean you don't have to.

Of course, plus I'll get to see you.

Okay. Sure. Should I pick you up?

Yes. I'll text you my address.

Okay, see you soon Pedro.

See soon princesa.

I hung up and waited for his address before driving off. When I arrived I parked on the street and he walked out of his gate. He smiled and got in the car.

"You look nice" he smiled closing the door.
"Not too bad yourself" I replied, driving off.

Pedri and I were becoming a lot more comfortable with each other. He was easy and fun to talk with. I felt like we got along well, and he made me happy. I was glad we were becoming closer.

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