chapter 8

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1 year later.

Delaney POV
This past year has been amazing. Charles and I have been dating for a year next month. I'm still living in London with Christian, but I travel back and forth depending on where Charles has a race. On his off days, he flies to London and we spend time here. The Chelsea boys and I have become a lot closer, as well as Sofia and I. And I couldn't be in a happier place.

Today was a big day, Charles was flying in for the weekend and Chelsea had a friendly match against Barcelona.

I woke up early to go on my run like usual, and got ready for the day when I returned.
"Morning" I said to Christian as I walked over to where he was
"Good morning" he replied
"Hungry yet? I was going to make some breakfast" I said walking over to the kitchen
"Oh yes please. I was craving some waffles" he smiled getting up. I laughed as I began to pull out the ingredients I would need.
"So are you going to get Charles from the airport?" He asked sitting down at the counter
"No, he said he'd get a driver to bring him" I replied.
"Oh, great. Is he coming to the match?" He asked
"No, he has practice today before the race tomorrow" I pouted
"Oh, we'll if you'd rather go with him, that's okay with me" he smiled
"No, it's fine. He and I talked about it and it's okay because I'll go to the race tomorrow" I replied. He nodded.

I finished making the waffles, and served us each a plate. Before I could sit down, the doorbell rang.
"I'll get it!" I yelled running towards the door. I could already guess who it was.

I smiled as I opened the door to see Charles standing there. I jumped into his arms.
"Hello beautiful" he said as he held me. I missed his adorable accent in person.
"I missed you so much" I said. I looked straight at him as we kissed.
"And I missed your kisses" he replied. I blushed and jumped back down.

I opened the door more so he could walk inside.
I led him towards the kitchen.
"Charles! You came just in time" Christian said getting up. They greeted each other and Chris sat back down.
"It smells amazing" Charles smiled sitting down.
"I'll serve you a plate" I replied.

I sat down next to him after serving his plate.
"So I just asked D but I wanted to make sure she wasn't lying...are you okay that she goes to the match today? I told her it's cool with me if she goes with you" Christian said as he got up to serve us some juice
Charles smiled.
"Of course it's fine with me. Plus she'll be with me tomorrow, which is where I'll need her support the most" he said kissing my cheek.
"Okay...just checking" Christian laughed.

We finished eating, and Christian went to go get ready. We were pretty much going to all leave at the same time. I cleaned up the kitchen and went to sit with Charles in the living room. I laid my head on his shoulder as he scrolled on his phone.

"I'm so glad you're here" I smiled
"Me too, it always sucks to be apart. But I'd do anything to be with you" he replied looking at me. He turned his phone off and cupped my face.
I blushed and leaned into kiss his lips. They moved perfectly in sync.
"I missed that" I smiled letting go.
"Me too" he replied.

"You should start getting ready, I don't want you to be late" I smiled.
"Okay, I still have to wait for my driver either way" he replied getting up.

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