chapter 3

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Christian POV
I had practice early today, so I left Delaney a note on the counter letting her know I would be back. I let her sleep in because we were flying to Spain and the first thing we were doing was going out with the guys.

I packed my gym bag and headed off to the training field.

After practice I met up with Kai and Mason before leaving.
"So are we all set for tonight?" Mason said taking a sip of his water.
"Yeah, I got us the AirBnB, so we'll all stay there for the weekend. Did you both ask for the extra day off?" I said. They both nodded.

We planned to rent a house to stay out while we were in Spain. It was more fun that way, it would just be Mason, Kai and Sofia, and Delaney and I. Obviously we planned to throw a party so the rest of the team would go over as well but not sleep there. We also asked for the extra day off so we could have a mini vacation.

Once we all agreed in the plan and such, we all headed home.

Delaney POV
"Wake uppp" I felt someone say, I opened my eyes to see Christian smiling wide.
"I'm up I'm up, get off of me" I laughed.
"It's time to go, Kai and Sofia will be here any minute" he said getting up. I yawned as I slowly got up.

I walked over to the bathroom to take a quick shower and get changed. We had both packed our suitcases yesterday so all we had to do was be ready.

I dressed into some comfortable clothes, and applied a small amount of make up. I packed up my last few things into my backpack, and walked out to the living room. Christian was eating some cereal in the kitchen.

I served myself a bowl and sat next to him.
"So Mason, Kai, and I talked. We're all set with everything . Joao will also be staying with us, I think he had some drama with his girlfriend, so he didn't want to stay at his old apartment" Christian laughed.
"Wow, again?" I said shaking my head
"Yeah I know" he replied
"But anyway, once we get there, maybe you and I can go to the Barcelona match. I know you've always wanted to go to Camp Nou" he added
"Oh my god! No way! Yes please" I said getting excited.
"Okay okay, relax" he smiled.
"So we'll go to the match, come back to the house afterwards and then we'll have the party" he said
"Sounds like a plan" I replied.

We finished eating breakfast and cleaned up the dishes. We walked outside because Kai had texted Christian that they were outside. We loaded our luggage into the car and sat in the back.
"Good morningg" Sofia smiled looking back
"I'm so excited" I said smiling back

We drove off towards the airport, and walked inside. We passed security and made it to our gate to wait for the rest of the team.

When they finally all arrived we got onto the plane and chose our seats. Sofia and I sat together, since Kai and Christian wanted to sit with the other players.


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Delaney.Lopez posted to her story: he's so weird wtf😭

I laughed before turning my phone off. We all played some mariokart on the Nintendo switch as we waited for take off.

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