chapter 44

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Today was an exciting day for us all. Pedri invited Marc and I to the Barcelona match. Even though Marc was only close to being 2, he still enjoyed watching futbol, and surprisingly seemed to be attentive during the matches on tv. So this will be his first match in person!

Marc and I just finished eating breakfast. I walked over with Marc to his room to get him dressed. I changed his diaper and changed him into some warmer clothes, since it was a bit cold out.
"Mami has to shower amor, follow me" I say to marc. He walks behind me with a toy in hand, and we go into my room.

It's a bit harder with it being just me, but we make it work. The bathroom is a bit big, so I usually have marc play on the rug while I take a shower. I can't leave him alone in the house, so at least I can keep an eye on him. I quickly shower, and wrap the towel around me as I finish.

"All done?" He asks
"Yes amor. I just need to get changed" I reply. He smiles and continues playing.

I unlock the bathroom door and we walk into the bedroom, where I quickly change as marc runs off into the living room. I brush my hair and do my makeup in the living room. Before we can head out I make sure to pack the diaper bag. Since we're going to be in the stadium for a few hours, I wanted to let Marc run around outside for a bit. I leave our things by the door so they'll be ready, and I carry Marc outside.

It's a bit cloudy out, and a bit cold. But he loves being outside and immediately starts running around. I pretend to chase him, causing him to giggle.


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Delaney.Lopez posted on their story: my little man 🤎


After a few minutes of us playing, I decide it's time to go so we can beat the traffic. I pack the bags into the car, and then walk Marc over to the car. I get him into his car seat and then get into the drivers seat. As I'm preparing my playlist, a message pops up.

Pedro 💛

buenos diass 💛

buenos días Pedro :) guys are coming to the match, right?



yes we are 😭

ah okay good. I thought you would ditch me. I'm glad you guys are coming :)

me too. Marc is so excited 🫶

that's so sweet 🥹, and how about you?

yes I'm excited to see you...

good 🫶 I can't wait. con cuidado princesa

gracias Pedro 🫶

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