chapter 26

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two days later.

Pedri POV
I rush pack to the hotel room early this morning after spending the night with a model that I met. She asked me nicely to hang out, and I didn't want to be rude so I went anyway.

As I run inside Gavi shakes his head.
"What?" I smile as I plop down on the couch.
"Pedri, I'm just disappointed in you" he shakes his head. And I can tell he's about to lecture me.
I roll my eyes and look at him so he can continue.
"I mean, do you really care about her? You're always going in about how you like her but you're with a new girl every night"
"What are you talking about?" I ask confused
"Dumbass. I'm talking about Delaney. You're not realizing that she really likes you. And you're just hurting her everytime you're caught with a new girl. If you really care about her, let her go and move on" he says now annoyed.

He begins to change so we can head down to the team room. I'm not sure what to respond. So I stay silent for a bit.
"Fine" I finally say as I get up.

Delaney POV
It's been 48 hours since pedri and I last spoke. But what Charles said was true and it stuck with me. So I was doing my best to move on. Having Sofia and Charles around has definitely helped. Today we're all hanging out to watch the Brazil match.

What sucks about the World Cup is you can't really see the players except on family day, which isn't many days. So we won't be able to see Kai or Christian until this weekend. The final is in a few weeks, so it's nearing the end. This week will determine if the US will stay, and if Germany will stay as well.

As soon as Sophia and I are ready, we head out and walk towards Charles room. He has a bit of a larger room, he always liked to be more comfortable. We knock on the door and are greeted by a very cheerful Charles.

"Good morning ladies" he says moving to the side so we can enter. He hugs us both and shuts the door behind him.

"I went ahead and ordered some lunch for us that we can have while we watch. I was getting hungry" he laughs.
"Aww thanks Charles" I reply as I take a seat on the couch.

We turn the tv on since the match is about to begin.


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Delaney.Lopez posted on their story: wc+ charles n soph 🩵

a few hours later.

Pedri POV
I throw my phone at the bed annoyed.
"Now what?" Gavi and Ferran say as they laugh. I roll my eyes annoyed at Gavi and the advice he gave me.
"Thanks for the advice, now she's back with charles" I say to Gavi. He smiles and shakes his head.
"Pedro, you're not ready for a relationship. You've said it yourself, let her be happy and let her go. Charles is someone who's not afraid to show her off and make her feel loved. Grow up, it's what's best for her" Gavi replied, with Ferran nodding.
"If you and her are meant to be, you'll come back together. But when you're both ready" ferran says patting my back. I sigh and try and calm myself down. I guess they're right. Life will bring us back together.

a few days later.

Delaney POV
Today was the USA vs Iran match. Which would determine if we advanced or not. I'm so proud of the boys for coming this far. I take a quick shower so I can get ready. Sophia is coming with me to this match, so I'm happy. I change into my USMNT jersey with some jeans and my converse. I straighten my hair and grab my purse.

Sophia is already ready for me, so we head out the door. Like usual, our Uber is downstairs for us when we get to the lobby. It's still early so there's not too much traffic.

We arrive at the stadium and make our way to our seats. The stadium is slowly starting to get filled so thankfully we got here at the right time. I pull out my phone to text Chris quickly.

Captain America 🩵

good luck Chris 🫶🫶head up :)

thanks kiddo!! Again, I'm so happy you're here. I'll see you after 🫶

I smile and set my phone down. A few fans walk up to Sophia and i and ask for pictures. They know us from both Christian and Kai, and me from my modeling gigs. We've also definitely done more TikTok's since being here.

The players begin to warm up, as I try to get Christian's attention and wave. He smiles back and waves. Seeing him with the captain armband melts my heart, I'm so so proud of him.

The players walk back to the tunnel, since that match is about to begin.

"I'm sooo nervous" I say to Sophia.
"I can tell. Relax. It'll be fine" she laughs. I nod as I take a deep breath and calm down. It's not like I'm out there on the field.

The players walk out and  calm down as soon as I see Christian relaxed and focused.

The match ends sadly 3-1, with the USMNT out. It's so heartbreaking to see the boys upset and some with tears. I could tell how badly they wanted to win.

Christian calls us down, so we can walk down to the field. We make our way down, and security helps us into the field. As soon as I get down I make my way over to Christian. I give him the biggest hug and hold him tight.

"I'm so sorry Chris. You gave it your best. I'm still so proud of how far you came" I say. He wipes my tears and smiles.
"Thanks kiddo. I appreciate you so much" he replies. He's called over to do a quick interview as I stand to the side with Sophia.


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Delaney.Lopez posted on their story; still so proud of you Chris 🩵🩵

He finishes up, and walks us through the tunnel where the players go.

"I'm going to go change. Wait right here" he says to us.

Typically when a team loses they're able to go home or stay but they don't have to be with the team. So we'll have to see what they decide.


We get back to the hotel room, with Christian. We've decided that we'll wait and see if Germany advances so we can stay with Sophia. If they're eliminated, then we'll all fly back home.

In the end, it's been fun while we've been here. It's an experience I'll never forget.

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