chapter 22

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a few days later.

Today is officially the first match that I will be going to of the World Cup! We actually have two matches today. The England vs US match, which will be quite the match. I'm happy I get to see both Mason and Christian play. I've attended many USMNt matches in the last, but the World Cup, never. I'm obviously supporting Christian and the US team, but it's been a struggle these past years (no offense). Sadly it's at the same time as the Japan v Germany match, so Sofia will be going to watch them, with Kai's family.

Sofia and I just had breakfast and are getting ready to go our separate ways.
"I still feel bad you're going alone" Sofia whines as she's putting her shoes on.
"I'm fine soph, I promise. I'll still have a great time" I reply
"But I feel weird if you go alo-"
"Sophia! I'm fine" I laugh, as I shake my head. Before she can say anything else, the doorbell rings. I make a confused face and walk over to open the door.

"Hey, good morning" a cheerful Charles greets me as he stands in the hallway.
"Oh, hey Charles" I smile.
"Sorry for coming without a notice, I just wanted to know if you wanted to go to the match with me? I assume you're  going to watch Christian and-"
"Why don't you come inside?"
He nodded and walks in.
"Like I was saying, I thought you could use some company. It'll be fun" he smiles.
"How can I say no to you" I reply.
"And actually it works out because I was going to go alone" I add.
Sophia walks back out into the room and smiles upon seeing Charles.
"Hey Charles, what are you doing here?"
"I just came to ask Delaney if she wanted to go to the match with me" he replies.
"well, thats so kind of you" she smiles and winks at me.
"youre annoying" I mouth causing her to laugh.

We finish getting ready while Charles waits at the table. We grab our thinks and he walks us out towards the elevator. When we get down to the lobby, Sophia gets picked up by her Uber, and Charles has a car outside for us. He opens the passenger seat door for me, and then walks around to the other side.

"Ready?" He smiles
"Yes" I smile back.

He drives off towards the stadium where the match will take place. The stadium isn't far so it only takes us about 15 minutes to get there. We pull into the parking lot, and there aren't too many people here yet. We go through the security, and make our way towards our seats. It's a lot different than when I would go watch Christian at Chelsea, because I can't see him before a match sadly.

We had both bought the hospitality seats so we're able to stay in the same area. As we sit down I pull my phone out to text Christian.

Captain America 💙

good luck chris, I'm so excited!! 🫶

thanks kiddo! Me too, hopefully we can see each other after. Did you come alone?

Actually Charles was coming too, so we just came together 🙃

Ahh okay, I see. Well I'm glad you're not alone :) I'll see you after!

have fun 💙

"I got you a glass of water" Charles smiles as he takes a seat next to me.
"Thank you" I reply.

"So, I know we haven't really talked since, you know. But I think we should clear the air" I say turning to face him. He nods.
"First I want to say that I'm sorry about everything that happened. I'm sorry I lied to you, and I hurt you" he looks down.
"I appreciate that. And I'm sorry for being rude to you and saying nasty things afterwards" I reply.
"Obviously I hope now we can be friends, you know how much I care for you" he smiles.
"Me too. You know I'll always and always have supported you in your career. I'd be so happy if we can go back to being friends"
"So as your friend can I ask about you and Pedri?" He says with a concerned look.
I sigh. "Well there's now much to know. We were talking, I really started to like him. I thought it was going somewhere, and then on my way here I saw the news about he and the one girl" I say as my eyes get a bit teary.
"I'm sorry to hear that. Fuck him" Charles says. His small accent makes me laugh.
"I don't know, I thought things would be different but oh well" I shrug my shoulders.
"Don't worry. You'll find someone"
"And you will too. What happened with Charlotte?"
"Well you know, it was mutual. We're just taking a break. We didn't have much time for each other" he replied. I nod.
"I know you really like her, I'm sure it'll work out"
"I appreciate that" he replies.

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