Chapter 53

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the next morning.
We were finally able to bring Charles home today. I'm not sure how things will work out yet. He has his apartment in Monaco, but I don't think he should travel for now. Besides, we haven't really discussed coparenting with Marc, especially now that he's older. I don't know where our relationship stands in Charles mind. I really like pedri and i want to be more than friends with him. Charles and I were broken up before the accident too. But I don't want to throw all these questions at Charles. I know he's going through a lot right now. I can't imagine going all this time in a coma.

Marc was still asleep, so Mrs Leclerc agreed to stay and watch him. Arthur and I drive off to the hospital to pick up Charles. When we arrive, they let us inside to the room. They finish the discharge paperwork, and let us know he can leave. He'll have one more follow up visit next week, so I'll need to bring him back for that.

I grab Charles' things while Arthur helps him up.
"I'm so happy to finally be out of here" Charles smiles, looking over at me.
"We're glad too. But this room will always hold so many memories for me" I reply.

We walk out of the room and through the hospital. The nurses that pass by congratulate Charles and say their goodbyes. We walk out slowly and carefully, Charles mist uses crutches still since his legs are healing. One arm is in a cast, but he can move it. He has minor bruises and scratches all over his body and face, but those will heal with time.

Arthur helps Charles into the car, and I place his crutches in the trunk, out of the way. It's begun to rain by now, so we try and move quickly. Arthur drives off, and we make our way out of the parking lot.

"Freedom!" Charles cheers.
"Relax, you weren't in prison" I laugh.
"I know, I know" he smiles.

I put on some of Charles favorite songs, to make him feel more at peace. I look at him from the rear view mirror, and watch as he bops his head to the beat, and watches out the window. I never thought this day would come, and I'm beyond happy.

"Oh, could we pass by Rosas bakery before we go home? I would love some of her coffee and sweet bread" Charles says to us. Arthur and I look at each other and laugh.
"Sure Charles, anything for you" Arthur smiles.

We arrive at the bakery, not too far from my house.
"I can order so you don't have to get off" I turn to face Charles.
"It's okay. I can get off" he says already opening the door.
"Go with him, I'll stay" Arthur says to me. I nod and quickly get out of the car.

I help Charles out of the car, he leans on me as we walk carefully inside. Since it's quick, we don't grab the crutches. As soon as we step inside, Rosa, the bakery owner turns over. Her eyes light up and she walks over to us.
"Charles! I can't believe this, is this real?" She smiles with her eyes watering. I nod and smile.
She gives him the biggest hug ever. Charles and I used to walk to this bakery every morning when we first started going out and he was in town. Rosa, like most people, grew to love Charles and his charisma.
"I'm so glad you're safe and okay. I'll get you your usual order right away" Rosa says walking away.
"See, I told you everyone missed you" I nudge Charles.
He smiles back at me, and I can tell he feels loved. We wait for our food, and pack it up to head out. We say goodbye to Rosa, and walk out.

Once in the car, we drive home. I can't wait to see Marc's reaction when he realizes Charles really is coming back home.

We arrive at the house, and head inside. As soon as the door swings open, Marc appears from the hallway.
"Papa!" He yells and runs over.
"Amor, be careful-"
"It's okay" Charles smiles. Marc jumps into his arms. Charles does his best to lean on his good leg.
"I'm so happy to see you Marc" Charles kisses his cheek multiple times. He sets Marc down.
"Mama, I feel so happy" Marc says to me running over.
"As I know amor. Me too" I kiss his cheek and hug him.
"Home sweet home" I wink at Charles. He laughs and we help him over to the kitchen for breakfast.


A few days later.
Today we came to the beach, Charles really wanted to bring Marc so we came just for a few hours. We've all done really well at adapting to our new life. I was able to set up the guest room for Charles. We haven't really had a conversation yet about what the future holds. Pedri came over a few times, but he doesn't want to intrude too much, which I get. Since Arthur and Mrs leclerc are here, I go out to see pedri when I get a chance. I don't want to push him away just because Charles is back.

Marc runs around us as we help him build a sand castle. There's not too many people at the beach today, which is nice.

delaneylopez 716,826 likesmarc finally reunited with his papa🩵user1: Charles is back?! user2: omg I'm so happy

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marc finally reunited with his papa🩵
user1: Charles is back?!
user2: omg I'm so happy

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