chapter 5

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the next day.

Delaney POV
The thing about me is I could have the worst hangover, but I'll still wake up early. I got up with a bit of a headache, but knew it would be gone soon. I got up to wash my face and brush my teeth, and walked out of the room.

I got to the living room and saw a mess everywhere. It didn't seem like anyone was awake yet. I walked over to the kitchen to grab a banana. As I walked in, I saw Gavi sitting on the stool on his phone.
"Buenos días" I smiled
"Buenos días, I didn't know you spoke Spanish" Gavi replied
"Yeah, I grew up speaking Spanish because of my family, I'm not fully American" I replied. He nodded.
"I thought I was the only one who got up early" I said
"Well, I have practice. Pedri is on his way to pick me up, I can't drive yet" he laughed
"Aw I forgot you were still young" I laughed too.
I sat next to him, as we continued talking. If he wasn't younger than me, I would definitely shoot my shot. He was very attractive, but he was younger than me. He was very funny and sweet either way.

After awhile the doorbell rang, I walked over to open the door with Gavi behind me. There stood pedri, with his eyes glued to his phone.
"hola" he said finally looking up.
"Buenos dias" I smiled. He didn't talk much, and signaled to Gavi that he was ready to go.
"Well, I hope we'll see each other again soon. It was nice meeting you" Gavi smiled.
"Yeah you too" I smiled back going in for a hug. I waved goodbye to pedri as he turned around and walked away. He was weird, very silent.

I walked back to the room to change into my workout clothes so I could go for a run. Once I returned, I walked straight to the shower. It was only 7am by now, but everyone was still asleep.

Once I was ready, I walked over to Christian's room to wake up. They had their game against Madrid, and we still had a bit of a drive to the stadium. I walked in and began to poke him.
"Wake uppp" I said
"Chill. I'm up, I'm up" he said finally moving.
"It's so early" he whined
"You guys have your game today, you need to get up now" I replied moving the blanket away from him.
"Ughh, fine" he said getting up
"You're welcome" I said sarcastically, messing his hair. He rolled his eyes and walked over to the bathroom.

I walked out and towards the kitchen to make us all some breakfast. I made some yogurt parfait, and left it ready for when everyone was ready to eat. I served myself and walked over to the living room to watch tv.


Not too long after, eveyone began to wake up and get ready. Christian walked over to eat with me as we watched tv. I grabbed my phone as I felt it vibrate.


hola 👋🏽, it's Carlos. You gave me your phone number last night, not sure if you remember lol

Buenos días Carlos. No I don't remember haha

Thought so. How's your morning so far?

Good, eating breakfast. Getting ready to head out to the Chelsea v Madrid game :)

Wow no invite :(

You should come!

Can I bring a friend? 😏

A girl? 🤔

No, my teammate, Charles. I'm sure you'll like him.

Sure I guess. I'll send you the ticket info. See you then :)

Okay, see you.

"Carlos and his friend are coming to the game. I gave him the two extra tickets we had" I said to Christian
"Okay, sounds good" he replied


Once we all ate breakfast, we began to clean up the kitchen and made sure everyone was ready. We ordered an Uber that could fit us all to take us to the stadium. We waited outside, since it was close.

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