chapter 27

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a week later.

"Home sweet home" I say as I enter my house by myself.

In the end, Germany was eleminated so Kai, Sophia, and Christian flew back to London. I came back to Barcelona on my own. Which sucked and I was upset about. But in the end, i tried to make it the best.

It's early morning, so I head over to take a nap so I can wake up and power through the day. It's officially been so long since I've last thought of Pedri. The last thing he told me was that he wasn't ready for a commitment and I should move on. If that's what he wanted, then fine.

As soon as I wake up from my nap, I make my way into the shower to wake myself up. I still have groceries to go buy so I need to be productive.

I choose a quick outfit and do my hair so I can head out.

I choose a quick outfit and do my hair so I can head out

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masonmount: okayy shrek
delaney.Lopez: shut up mase 😭😭

I make sure everything is turned off and locked before I head out the door. I get into the car and blast my music. I drive into town and stop at a small grocery store.

As soon as I get inside I realize I forgot my list so I just wing it and choose what I can remember.

When I finish I head back out the door and load the car. I make an unnecessary stop by a coffee shop to buy an iced coffee, and take it to go. That's enough productivity for me today.

I get home and begin to unload the groceries. I realize my car is a mess, so I'll probably have to wash it later. I get inside and focus on putting away the groceries first. I clean around the house since it's been empty.

I treat myself to a quick break whime I finish my coffee before changing into some comfier clothes. It's now hot outside and since I'll be using the hose I don't want to get my normal clothes wet.

As soon as I'm getting ready to walk out the door, I hear a knock. I freak out a bit because I rarely have any visitors. I peak out the hole to see...Charles.

I smile and quickly open the door.
"Hello!" He smiles cheerfully and pulls me into a hug.
"Charles, what are you doing here?" I laugh.
"Well, Christian told me you were flying back alone. And I have the Barcelona Grand Prix coming up so I decided to fly over and train and not leave you alone" he replies.
"I mean, if that's okay with you" he adds.
I smile and nod. "Of course it is".

I move to the side so he can walk in with his luggage.
"We're you heading out? Sorry if I interrupted your day" he says as he sets the luggage down to the side.
"I was just going to wash my car, no I didn't have plans" I reply.
"Great, I'll help you!"
He follows me as we walk back outside. I walk over to the small shed to grab a bucket and supplies and to turn on the hose.

Charles begins to wet the car, while I start to scrub with the sponge. We play some music and have a good time. For a moment it felt like old times. Charles tried to spray me so I splashed him with water from the bucket. He chases me around the car until he finally catches me. He wraps his arms around my waist as we're now looking into each other eyes. I blush as I look down, and be takes this moment to wet my hair.
"Charles!" I yell, and laugh.

"Okay, okay back to work" he replies. I watch as he takes his soaked shirt off. His perfectly toned body, mesmerizing.

He smirks as he turns to look at me.
"Need a better view?" He laughs. I get embarrassed and turn red. He smiles, "I'm teasing" he says.
"I know" I smile back.

We finish up by drying the car, and it's closer to dinner by now.

We head inside to shower and change out of the wet clothes.
"So, I was thinking..." Charles says as we now sit on the couch.
"Yes..." I reply.
"Maybe we should go out to dinner. My treat" he responds. I can feel myself getting hungry, so I accept the invitation.

We grab our things and head out the door.
"If it's okay with you, I can drive" Charles says as we're now outside.  I nod and toss him the keys. He opens my door for me, and walks around to get into the driver seat.

We search up a good restaurant and follow the gps to get there.

When we arrive we are immediately seated. We order our drinks with the waitress and she leaves.

"I was starving. Good thing you decided to come, it smells amazing" I say as I'm looking at the menu.
"I know you too well" Charles laughs.

We catch up a bit on things that we missed while we had broken up. Charles had a few good races, but they've been struggling a bit recently. Which sucks because I know how much love he has for Ferrari and I know he deserves to be winning. We talk about my modeling career and the gigs I've done.

"You look absolutely beautiful" he says as we're scrolling through my phone looking at the photos.

"Thanks Charles" I reply.
"And I want to apologize for being unfair to you about that. I overreacted and for that I'm sorry. Clearly you're a natural and you do an amazing job" he says. He reaches out to hold my hand, as if asking for forgiveness.
"It's no problem. Let's just move past it" I smile and reply.

He nods as the waitress returns to take our orders.

He nods as the waitress returns to take our orders

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Delaney.Lopez posted on their story: dinner w lord Perceval 🩵


As we wrap up dinner, we pay the bill and decide to head back to the house. We drive back and get there close to 8pm.

We both sit on the couch and turn the tv on. I go to Netflix to find Breaking Bad.
"Oh my gosh. You never watched ahead??" Charles smiles as he sees im still in the episode that we had left off on when we watched it together.
"Yeah, it felt wrong to watch it without you" I smile back.
"I get what you mean. I haven't watched ahead either" he replies. We lay back and press play on the tv.


A few hours later, we realize it's very late.
"We should get some sleep" I say getting up. Charles yawns as he gets up.

We both change into our pajamas and do our routines to get ready for bed.

When I return my to my room, Charles is sitting on the bed.
"Everything okay?" I ask sitting next to him.
He sighs before speaking.
"I had a really great time today. And I couldn't help but think that this was what I want in life. Me and you together. I want to be with you Mon amour. What do you say we give it a second chance?" He says as he grabs my hand and takes it into his.

I can't help but think of how happy I was today as well. And I missed Charles in my life. Of course I love him. And I'd want to be with him. But is it too soon?

"And don't ask if it's too soon. I don't care what anyone else thinks. I just want to be with you" he replied as if having read my mind.

"Okay. Okay. Yes. Let's do it" I reply smiling. His smile widens as well and he pulls me into a hug.
"I've missed you so much Mon amour. Thank you thank you. I love you" he says. I cup his face to get him to relax and place a small kiss on his lips. He smiles into the kiss and hugs me once more.

"Alright now let's get to bed" I laugh.
We get into bed and lay beside each other. I cradle into his chest, and he wraps his arm around me.

"Good night Charles" I say
"Good night Mon amour" he replies kissing the top of my head.

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