chapter 43

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few days later.

I woke up, a bit happier than ID been in a few weeks. Everyone returned back home yesterday, back to their normal lives. Which only left marc and I now, and of course pedri and my friends.

I've slowly been letting myself not feel guilty about moving on, with pedri. But I'm still cautious and am taking it slow. I don't want to disrespect Charles and I relationship.

Marc has been loving all of the gifts he received, especially the car that the drivers bought him, and the ball that pedri got him.

I had just woken up and was getting breakfast ready before I woke Marc up. I remembered pedri had a match today, and so I went ahead and sent him a message.

Pedro 🔆

buena suerte Pedro:)

buenos días 🙂 thank you princesa🫶

I smile and set my phone down as I hear Marc over the baby monitor. I walk over to the room to pick him up.

"Buenos días amor" I say kissing his cheek.
"mama" he replies" with a smile.

I walk him over to change his diaper. I grab his hand as he gets up and we walk over to the kitchen.
"Time to eat" I say as he follows me. I grab our plates and walk over to the living room. We sit down on the floor by the small table and begin to eat.

"Pepi?" He asks and hands me the remote.
"Ah. Want to watch Pepi play?" I smile. He nods and gets excited.
"Okay okay" I laugh. I turn the tv on and change it to the Match. It hasn't yet started but it's showing the players as they come out to warm up.

"Pepi! Pepi!" Marc yells.
"Yes amor, there's Pepi. He's getting ready to play futbol" I smile. I watch as pedri looks so focused and attentive. He looks so happy out on the field.

"Fu- fubol?" Marc asks confused.
"Close enough" I laugh. He shrugs and continues eating.

As we finish up the Marc begins and to my surprise Marc is still attentive and focused on the tv. He watches as the ball is passed around and such. And every-time he sees pedri he yells his name. It makes me happy to see him this excited.


The match ends and Barcelona wins 1-0. Which was pretty exciting. We turn the tv off and get ready for the day.


It was now the afternoon, and we were on our way to Pedris house. He and Fernando invited us over for dinner.

We arrive at their house, which isn't too far from home. I grab Marc from his car seat and head towards the door. I ring the doorbell and immediately pedri opens the door.

"Hey you two" pedri smiles as he lets us inside.
"Pepi!" Marc yells.
"Hola Pedro" I reply. He pulls us in for a hug, causing Marc to giggle.
"So..change of plans. Fer thought it was best if we go out to eat instead. We had a problem while he was cooking" pedri laughs. I shake my head in disbelief.

"Whatever works for you two" I reply. Fernando walks out from behind and shakes his head.
"I'm so sorry" he smiles.

We head back outside, and get into Fernando's car. Pedri helps me switch the car seat over to his car. I place Marc in thr car seat and sit in the back with him.

"I'll take you to my favorite restaurant to make it up to you" Fernando laughs.

We drive off towards the city, and eventually make it to our destination. I grab Marc and get out of the car. We make our way towards a sushi place, which I know is pedris favorite food. There's a bit of a wait, so we stand outside until there's a table for us.

Marc begins to move around and become impatient, but I'm hesitant to set him down because he may run off.

"Here, let me help you" pedri smiles. Marc puts his arms out and climbs into pedris arms.
"Look at the pretty flowers. Just like your mami" pedri whispers to Marc as they walk around and he tries to distract him. I smile and pretend not to hear.

I catch Fernando smirking at me, and I playfully roll my eyes.
"What now?" I laugh.
"Nothing" he laughs.
"Tell me"
"I just can't believe what you've done to my brother" he replies. I make a confused look and be sighs.
"I can tell he really likes you. I've never seen him care about someone so much until you came into our lives. I think it's sweet". I blush and smile as I look away.

We're called over to head inside and we begin to walk with pedri and Marc behind us. We're seated at a table finally and begin to look at the menu.


We were all in the middle of dinner, having a good time.
"You played great today. Had so many opportunities" I say to pedri as I take a sip of my water.
"Thank you. I didn't know you watched" he replied.
"Yeah, Marc and I were watching together. He was so happy, I'm surprised he was attentive"
Pedri's eyes light up and he smiles.
"Yeah. He sat still for the entire match. And kept following along with you, and Gavi" I reply.
"Well, maybe you should come to the next home Match. So he can watch in person"
"You want to go watch Pepi play futbol amor?" I say to marc.
"Pepi, fu bol!" Marc smiles and claps.
"I'll take that as a yes" I say to pedri.
I look over at Fernando who smirks at me once again and I try to ignore him.


We finish dinner and drive back to their house to get the car. It took us awhile to leave because some fans spotted pedri and asked for pictures. Marc wasn't used to the people so he was a bit overwhelmed.

We get to their house and I can tell it's time for marc to go to bed, after what happened.
"Say bye to Pepi and Fer amor. It's time to go night night" I say to marc as I rub his head. He leans over and kisses them both on the cheek, and then waves. I place him in the car seat and turn to say goodbye.

"Gracias for dinner Fer. It was amazing" I say hugging him.
"Glad you had a good time. Buenas noches" he says, walking away leaving pedri and I alone standing outside.

"Thanks again for everything Pedro. I don't know what ID do without you" I say looking down.
"I love spending time with you two, trust me it's nothing" he smiles.
"Buenas noches Pedro" I say.
"Buenas noches princesa" he replies, cupping my face and placing a small kiss on my lips. I smile, and hold it a bit longer. We both blush and he pulls me in for a hug. I don't want to let go, I felt so safe in his arms.

I sigh and let go.
"I'll see you soon" I smile.
"Adios. Buenas noches marc" he says one more time and waves through the window.

I get into the car and he shuts the door for me. I drive off, happy for the first time in awhile. Genuinely happy.

We get home and head inside. I begin to get Marc ready for bed since he's getting cranky. Once he's in bed, I get myself ready and head to the room.

I can't help but blush as I think about pedri and the moments we've shared. If only I could not feel guilty about Charles. I would've already made my move with pedri.

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